commission - forget me not

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commission from ​musicarose on tumblr 

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commission from ​musicarose on tumblr 

For the Oneshot is the Reader the sister of Mal and the girlfriend of Harry Hook. Reader doesn't want to go to Auradon because of Harry. Mal enchants her sister so that she forgets Harry and comes to Auradon. Later Mal and the others don't tell her the truth about Harry either. Harry and Reader meets again and he's pretty angry with her When Harry realizes that she can't remember him, he tries to release the curse.

"and you assume I want to go why?" you muttered, brushing your lilac hair back, scowling at your sister and mother.

"(y/n), dear, my little devil" your mother 'cooed', reaching out and tracing her finger down your cheek "this is a huge opportunity! Why, in only a day's time, you could be ruling the world alongside me and your sister~!" you rolled your eyes, standing from your seat and pushing past your mother.

"yeah not my thing, ill just stay here while malsy goes to do your dirty work~" you cheered in a falsetto, stepping behind your sister and patting her shoulders.

Your mother's face settled into a scowl "this is because of that pirate boy, isn't it? Now (y/n) you have no room for love in your life" her eyes glowed green, trying to intimidate you.

But, unlike mal, you weren't afraid of your mother. You sighed, turning and walking out of the castle.

"(y/n)~" your mother cooed, you paused, you didn't like the tone in her voice "if you don't go~ I'll have the goons take care of harry~"

Your heart froze, images of harry being drowned, hurt, killed by your mother's goons set a fire off in your eyes.

You snarled, turning back around and letting your magic flow, your eyes glowing (e/c) "don't you fucking dare"

Your mother smirked, and you were reminded of who your mother was, the mistress of all evil, the woman-no FAE who was willing to kill your love just to get you to cooperate.

"then you will go to auradon, nick that wand and free me, is that understood?" she cooed in a 'sweet' voice, one that made you want to punch her.

"ugg" you groaned "yes, fine"

"I win~" she cheered, walking back inside the castle, you shook your head, racing off towards the docks.

Mal glared at your disappearing form "now Mal~" she turned, seeing her mother holding her spellbook "I have another task for you" maleficent opened the book, showing Mal a certain page.

The Enchantment of Forgetfulness


"Harry im sorry" you pleaded, gripping onto his jacket sleeve "shes forcing me, she said she would kill you if I didn't go, im doing this for us!" Harry huffed, falling back into a chair, rubbing his face.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now