Oop, better run Hook

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You woke up in the early morning, your body's natural alarm clock going off as the birds chirped outside your dorm room. you yawned as you sat up, pausing as your leg hit something in your bed. It was solid and warm...oh shit. You took the covers off the lump laying in your bed and laughed softly, smirking down at Harry.

He had crashed in your room after a night of late gaming with Ben and the boys, your room being closer than his so he decided to cash in on girlfriend perks and sleep in your bed for the night. "Harry" you whispered, shoving him a bit; he just grumbled and peeked open his ocean blue eyes "come on. You gotta get outta here before one of the supervisors find you"

The Auradon prep dorms had supervisors, making sure the rules were followed and no people of the opposite gender (or gender the person was attracted to) stayed past curfew. They checked every morning and night for any overstayers, and usually, it only ended up in a reprimand and a reminder of the rules. though if you were someone like Zari; the mad hatter's kid, who broke so many rules you lost count; it would result in a suspension.

And luckily Harry only broke school rules and hadn't been caught breaking any dorm rules yet (though every kid in the dorms definitely broke multiple rules a night.) but it was almost time for a supervisor to come check on your wing of the dorms and you didn't want Harry to get in trouble.

But it seemed your warning was for naught; one of the female supervisors knocked on your door. You froze, whirling around as she announced her entrance and opened the door. Immediately her face turned to a smirk, rolling her eyes.

"Mr. Hook?" Irvine chucked in a stern tone, amusement in her eyes. She was one of your favorites, she still knew what it was like being a teenager and was never too harsh on anyone. Harry bolted up at the sound of her face, and you thanked the gods that Harry had fallen asleep wearing all his clothes except his jacket and boots. His eyes were wide with shock and fear. "I suggest you get back to your room." Harry scrambled off your bed, grabbed his boots, kissed your cheek; and bolted out, all the while yelling over his shoulder at you.

"THANK YEH (Y/N) LOVE YEH!" his voice faded as he turned the corner back to his wing. You facepalmed and yelled back;

"love you too!" Irvine gave you an amused smirk and closed your door. You laughed and fell back on your bed, rubbing your face.



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