Simp! Harry x Buff! Reader

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*(y/n) is Gaston's daughter, one he hasn't claimed since he "doesn't do girls" a few months older than Gil (dude went through a good handful of women at a time to try to get boys) and is very strong due to her trying to prove her worth to her dead beat dad (stopped doing that around 13 and just got fucking jacked for the hell of it) and genetics, and is also very tall; 6ft 3. something from her mother's side not Gaston's*

outfit/style reference;

outfit/style reference;

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"Are you fucking serious" you muttered as you lifted a beam into your shoulder, narrowing your eyes as you spotted your little brother walking towards you with a sheepish grin. "what happened?"

"uh" Gil started, rubbing the back of his neck and kicking a stray stone out of his way as he came to a stop in front of you. "well, Harry kinda-had a fight, and um, I need your help moving some stuff out of the chip-shop before Uma's mom sees it" you groaned and rolled your neck back, setting down the beam and wiping your gloved hands on your pants.

"lead the way" you droned and Gil turned on his heel and bolted, leaving you to run after him "Not that fast!" you yelled after him and quickly took off, your long legs letting you catch up with him even with his head start. When you arrived at the chip shop, you could easily see why Gil had come to get you.

It was just, an absolute mess, chairs and tables were everywhere, the fucking organ was tipped over, the main stage had somehow been split off from the catwalk, nails sticking out from the splintered wood, and multiple light fixtures were either about to fall off or were already on the floor.

And in the middle of it was a sheepish Harry Hook, one of Gil's friends you had not seen in a good couple years, and Uma scolding him, waving her finger in his face as he stared down at his boots. "how in the hell did he do this?" you asked, gesturing to the destruction and Gil shrugged.

"He got into a fight with Jr and third, and their gang jumped in" you hummed at that, the twins were just destruction incarnate, even breaking Hook's prized piano at one point, and that thing was tough as shit, built out of very strong wood and metal, and weighing over 500 pounds. "and it" Gil gestured to the mess and raised his brows at you "Uma said there would be pay involved?"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now