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"where is it? I swear I hung it up right 'ere?" Uma stepped down into Harry's cabin, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed as she watched her first mate run about his room, looking very confused and muttering about something.

"lookin' for something?" Uma asked, tilting her head and smirking as Harry jumped at her sudden voice, his cheeks flushing as she chuckled at his cat-like tendencies. Harry sighed, rubbing the back of his head; messing up his already messy hair. "Aye, me jacket. It's been missin' fer like two days. I can't find It anywhere!"

Uma snorted, and shook her head. "Harry," he turned to her, raising his brow as he glanced about the room-wondering where the hell his jacket went. "if it ain't where you left it, and you can't find it anywhere?" Harry sighed, dragging his hand down his face. "someone took it." He grumbled, now wondering who had his jacket. "And there's only two people stupid enough to do tha'."

Uma smirked, raising her brows again. "Ooooh be careful what you say dude, or your girl ain't gonna be happy being called stupid." Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Aaand ye jus' let me know who took it, though CJ couldn't've taken it, she's halfway 'cross the world." Harry mumbled, pushing past Uma and making his way off the ship, taking the short trip back to Auradon prep and speeding through the dorm building halls.

He smiled at the thought of you in his jacket, you loved the damn thing, you had told him if you could you would steal it and keep it forever. He just laughed, taking the red leather tailcoat off and draping it around your shoulders, smiling into his hand as you cuddled into the leather, messing about with the zipper on his sleeves.

Since then, whenever you could-you would just yoink his jacket. And he would find you just wandering about wearing his jacket, looking all too happy.

He hadn't told you he commissioned Evie to make a copy in your size(with some edits to the original design, such as a hood, and a detachable tail.) but it still filled him with all the warm feelings, knowing you loved something of his so much you would steal it.

He finally made it to your room, using the spare key you had given him to get inside, grinning as he spotted you on your bed-eyes locked onto your switch with his jacket on. It was fully zipped up, the tail flared out on the bed behind you as you curled into your lap, your tongue sticking out of your mouth as you focused on your game.

"Darlin'," Harry cooed, chuckling as you jumped and nearly tossed your switch across the room, holding your hand to your chest as you whipped around to look at him. "Harry!" you breathed, closing your eyes and smiling at your boyfriend. "You scared the hell outta me!"

He just laughed, closing the door behind him and joining you on the bed, kissing your cheek and smiling against your skin as you giggled at the feeling. He leaned into your ear, whispering as you shivered at the feeling of him being so close. "ye hav' somethin' of mine, my love~"

You just gave a cheeky grin, and in a split second, you were off the bed and running out of the room, cackling as Harry gave chase. "it's mine now!"

"Not fer long!"


I dunno, but DAMN do I want his D2 jacket soooo damn badly, so here have an x reader where (y/n) steals it :p

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now