not a fun morning

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(gif by TDOHERTYGIFS on twitter)


Harry jolted up at the sound of vomiting, and he sluggishly bolted to the bathroom as he noticed you missing from your side of the bed and the bathroom light on. He practically slammed into the doorframe, frowning and sucking on his teeth as he saw you kneeled over the toilet bowl, upchucking your dinner from the night before.

He glanced at the clock, 1:04 am. He walked into the bathroom and dropped to his knees beside you, rubbing your back and shoulders as you continued to puke. "darlin'?" Harry muttered; his voice raspy with sleep. He heard you sob, you hated throwing up, the feeling of being completely out of control and in so much pain. He pushed your hood out of the way of your cheek and pressed his lips to your skin, holding you tightly as you rocked back and forth, holding your stomach and sniffing.

You both sat there for another fifteen minutes, the feeling of throwing up never leaving your throat. Finally, you nodded, standing up on wobbly knees with Harry's arms around you, brushing your teeth, and then going back to bed. You didn't fall back asleep though, too uncomfortable to do so, you pulled your trashcan close to the edge of the bed, nearly sitting up against your pillows as the fan blew cool air across your overheated skin.

Harry sat up as you bolted up and around, grabbing your trash can and puking again, cringing as he noticed it was almost like water, pure bile. He scooted to lean against you, wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing lightly, sighing as you sobbed again.

This continued throughout the night, nearly every hour you puked, less and less bile coming up until you were just dry heaving over your trash can. Harry had had enough by 6 am. You were clearly not okay and he didn't want to see you in pain anymore; he called Uma and told her to come to the house, watching panicked as you took a small sip of water, not even swallowing it before you raced to the bathroom, the last of your stomach bile coming out. He capped the water bottle and put it back in the fridge before running over to you and rubbing your back, closing his eyes as you tilted into him, breathing heavily as you did so.

A half-hour later Uma arrived at the door, waving her hand over your body as you lay limp against Harry's side "some bad acid reflux" Uma muttered, snapping her fingers and sending you to sleep, waving her hand with an aqua glow to remove the reflux. "she'll be okay, sent her to sleep for eight hours, don't let her eat anything heavy or drink any soda; clear liquids only." Harry nodded, picking you up gently and carrying you back to your shared room, setting you down on the bed and tucking you in.

You woke up eight hours later, feeling much better. You picked up a bottle of Powerade that Harry had put on the nightstand and drank a few careful sips, smiling as Harry stepped into the room, a tray full of food that was safe for you to eat "Uma put yeh on a lil diet until we knew yer lil' problem is completely gone. It's not much but, it'll get the edge." You hummed, sitting up in bed and taking the tray, munching on the dry toast on the plate; leaning against Harry as he joined you on the bed. "Thank you Harry, how'd I get so lucky?" you chuckled as Harry hummed, kissing the top of your head and rubbing his thumb against your thigh. "anythin' fer you love"


I had some real bad acid reflux that started Saturday morning and it hit me hard Monday morning, spent the literal morning, from 1am to 7am, just throwing up. Legit once every hour, even when I had nothing to throw up. So this is just me projecting my wishes to have a Harry at my side into a fic...enjoy?

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