connected - soulmate au

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Type of soulmate au: hearing the other thoughts


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

—(y/n) POV—

soulmates are able to hear the others thoughts, you have been hearing the thoughts of one harry hook since you were a child when you could understand speech and thoughts.

He was the first to make contact, when you were 3 years old


Hi! Are you my soulmate?

Yes!! I wasn't sure yeh would respond, my names harry hook! What's yours?

(y/n), (y/n) Swann.

You both talked constantly day and night, your mother having to teach you to shut off the link between you and Harry so you could get some sleep.

One problem, he's an isle kid, you're an Auradon kid, royalty to be exact, well...not really royalty, the daughter of the pirate king, Elizabeth swan.

You were (y/n) Swann-Turner, daughter of Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner. One day Harry had invaded your thoughts, screaming about the fact that hed just heard a story from his uncle smee about the pirate king. Elizabeth Swann, asking you if she was the same as your mother.

When you had told him she was, Harry had squealed in excitement.

Then his thoughts turned fearful, he told you he had to go

Im sorry (y/n) I haveta go, meh dads getting mad, he's scary when he's mad.

It's okay Harry, stay safe.

I'll try

He had shut his link of with you for a while, only opening it once to tell you his dad had forbidden him from talking to you ever again

Im sorry lass, I don't want to, but he scares me.

I understand, just...just check in once in a while, please?


That had been the end of your full conversations for a while. He only reopened the link once a month, just to say he was okay, and then he would close it.

You hated it, falling into a depression, that happened to those whose soulmates closed off their connection.

One day, when you were 15, he opened the link, scaring you slightly as you were studying for the geometry test.


On davy jones heart harry! What the fuck?

Sorry, good news!


Meh dads dead!!!



How is that good news?

It means we can talk freely lass!!! He can't tell me to not talk to yeh!

Oh!!! Yay!!

So...hows it been going for the last seven years?

You both talked all throughout the night and into the morning, happy to be properly speaking to the other for the first time in a long time.

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