joy ride

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Hey, I had here another idea for oneshot if it was possible : in this one, reader is daughter of Mother Gothel(and she is very sarcastic, friendly, funny and very fierce) and she is living in the Island of the Lost over a year. Reader and Harry were best friends and, to show off to reader a little bit, Harry steals Jay's motorcycle and he invites reader to a ride. In the end of the ride, Harry admits that he is in love for reader

Brushing back your (h/l) (h/c) hair, you strutted around the isle, you heard that the core four were on the isle, you didn't know why, but you wanted to mess with them, you wanted one of the apparent motorbikes they had.

Evie's mostly, personally, you thought she had the best style.

A roar of a motor scared you, making you jump to the side as an orange and yellow bike with snakeskin paint, it drifted and screeched to a stop.

And there was the handsome and glorious harry hook, grinning at you from beneath the helmet.

"Hello love, lookie what I got~"

You let out a soft laugh through your nose, walking up and patting the headlight.

"they just left he bikes alone didn't they?"

Harry cackles, leaning forward and putting his face in his palms, elbows resting on the handlebars "yep! Rookie mistake~"

You snorted, "got that right, they've gon soft."

Harry snickered, "aye, wanna go fer a ride?"

You paused, locking eyes with Harry, who was taking off the helmet, his hair a fluffy mess.

His eyes held a hint of nervousness, but you didn't know what.

"uh, hell yeah!"

Harry grinned tossing you the helmet. You shoved it on, seeing harry scooch forward slightly to let you on, stepping around, you lifted your leg over the bike, settling behind harry and wrapping your arms around his well-built torso.
you felt harry shiver, but you brushed it off due to the ocean breeze running through the isle.

Harry revved the engine, taking off at heart-stopping speed.

"shit!" you yelped, tightening your grip and pressing your face to his back, though it was slightly uncomfortable due to the helmet.

You raced through the isle, bystanders leaping out of the way of Harry's warpath.

He was cackling as he almost ran over Gideon, Hans' son, the red-haired boy cursing at you. Harry took an abrupt turn, but his eyes widened as he saw a dead end, he released the bars and turned, wrapping his arms around you and leaping off the bike, letting it crash into the wall as you and harry slammed into the dirt, harry getting the brunt of the fall.

You groned as you lifted your self from Harry's chest, blinking surprised at the ruined motorbike. "Well" you started, watching as a fire started to smoke from the engine "that was abrupt"

Harry was frozen, both almost died. He sat up, crashing into you and hugging you tight.

"woah!" you wrapped your arms around him, confused as Harry started to shake "harry are you okay?"

He shook his head, burying his face into the crook of your neck.

"I love you"

You froze..what?! "i-you-what?!"

Harry spoke again, his grip tightening "I love you"

You pushed Harry's shoulders back, staring at him bewildered " love me?" you asked, Harry's ocean blue eyes staring into your (e/c) ones.

"aye, considering we almost just died, I thought I should say it"

You felt heat rush to your face, and you leaned forward hiding your face in Harry's shoulder.


Harrys swallowed harshly, thinking you didn't reciprocate "um, if yeh don't gell the same way lass, its oka-"

"no! I-goddamnit" you pushed away from him once more, gripping the lapels of his jacket and pressing your lips to his.

Harry jumped in surprise, before sinking into the kiss.

The roar of another engine came sounding through the ally way, and you both jumped away from each other, and then a bike crashed into the wall across from you and gil came tumbling into the alleyway, laughing as he did so.

"holy hell that was a rush!"

You and Harry groaned

Leave it to gil to ruin the mood.

—the end—

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now