x Sparrow!Reader - WICKED

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These are very similar requests so im just smashing them together!


Hi! I love all of your stories, they're so well written and amazing! So, I have a request. Could you do a short little thing about the reader being in the end of the first movie, but she chooses to be evil, and goes back to the Isle for Harry, who's really happy she's back. Then could you end it with a week passed and Ben sends men to ask Harry and the reader back over? You could add Gil and Uma to that list too. If you can't do it, that's fine. Love all of your works!!

could you the reader choosing evil at end of first movie, for Harry and because she truly evil. she goes back, rejoins old gang, Uma's crew. creates chaos more than before, kidnaps Ben. When core four try to say she's good, she purposely almost kills one of them. in third movie, she doesn't make it past the barrier and has to wait for Harry and Gil. when they come back, prepared to live out their days, they find Reader somehow got even the worst villains to give up their territory and let the crew steal their things. the sea three get to the ship, the crew was 100% better fighters. when the barrier is taken down, Harry tries to convince reader to come, but she says she's waiting for someone. Thinking she's cheating on him, he stays there to see who she is meeting. Turns out it's her father Jack Sparrow and they plan to make the Isle into the modern Tortuga. Harry walks over and Reader introduces him to her father as boyfriend. later on, when he confesses he thought she was cheating, could you end it with her "Oh Harry, I may be evil in my soul, but I'd never go so low as that." (They started dating at the beginning of second movie.)


How dare they, they would just...UP AND ABANDON THE REST OF THE ISLE?! Rotten to the core my ass.

You snarled, turning away, pausing as a hand fell on your shoulder. "(y/n) is good too! You have no ide- AH!" your arm flourished out, a gleaming switch-blade in your hand, slicing at Mals arm.

"get away from me you traitor" you growled, glaring down at the purple-haired fae, who started up at you in shock, holding her sliced arm close to her chest.

"wha-wh-(y/n)?" Evie stuttered, grasping Mals shoulder and pulling her back "what's gotten into-"

You snarled, turning and walking out of the cathedral. Ben and Evie raced after you, calling your name "(y/n)! wait!" Ben yelled, you huffed spinning around and crossing your arms.

"what do you need princey?" you drawled "I have an isle to get back to" Ben tilted his head in confusion, bless his soul, good intentions, but poorly executed.

"why? Why would you want to go back to the isle" he asked, genuinely curious, evie was frowning, looking concerned.

"I left assuming my friends would join me after everything, but since that didn't happen, im going back, im not abandoning them."

You spun on your heel, stomping off and making your way to the limos, snatching a bridge remote, you paused, groaning and walking to the dorms, for once happy that you had a room all to yourself, grabbing all your gear and stuffing it in a bag.

You snatched your compass and hat, fixing the tricorn on your head and hefting your bag over your shoulder, heading back to the limos.

You unlocked one and tossed your bag in the back, ripping off the flags and the hood ornament, pocketing it and making your way to the driver's seat.

"(y/n)!" you paused, looking back, pup, the shorter boy trotting after you, dude running after him.

You sighed, leaning back on the car "what do you want pup" you muttered, a sneer on your lip.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now