Commission work - Harry Hook is a self care king

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Harry pouted and narrowed his eyes at the window as rain battered against the glass.

You and him were supposed to go to the enchanted forest for a picnic date and the rain had ruined those plans.

So Harry was a bit miffed, jumping slightly as a bright flash blinded him for a split second, thunder shaking the windows only moments later.

"fucking hell" Harry muttered, undoing his nice button-up shirt Evie had made him for dates with you and tossing it on the bed. "what a waste of a day"

"does have to be~" Harry turned, smiling as you entered the bedroom with laptop in hand, closing the door with your foot "movie date?"
"movie date" Harry grinned, nodding along with you. he walked over to you and grabbed the laptop, setting it on the bed, and turning to close the curtains to darken the room.

You turned on the overhead fairy lights and sat down on the fluffy blanket covering the sheets, logging into your laptop, and turning on (streaming service).

"love?" Harry's voice interrupted your searching for a movie, you looked over, seeing harry in one of your drawers, your self-care drawer that held your face masks and other things like that. "is-wow"

You giggled, remembering Harry's own self-care bucket back when you first started dating, it was dinky compared to your collection now. "what?"

Harry turned to you, pouting at you with shiny eyes "please?"

"self-care date night with movies?" you suggested, giggling as Harry's face brightened. you stood from your bed and sat next to Harry, who continued to dig through your bottles and containers of cosmetics.

"please~?" Harry asked again, holding up a clay mask and some lip moisturizer, using his infamous puppy dog eyes. you laughed and nodded, grabbing the bottles from his hands and digging back into your drawer, pulling out some plastic brushes and cleansing wipes. You set them on Harry's lap and dug out your face wash and some exfoliating face brushes.

"here, you know the drill" Harry nodded excitedly, bouncing like a little kid as he carefully stood with the items and walked over to the bathroom, dumping them on the counter and arranging them in the order you two were going to use them.

You snorting and shook your head, Harry had always been a stickler for things like this, you were surprised it had taken him this long to find your stash of products when he had his own in the drawer above yours.

You grabbed some moisturizer and stood up, closing the drawer with your foot and walking into the bathroom, snorting as harry was already messing with the clay mask "wash your face dork"

Harry stuck his tongue out at you but obeyed, turning on the sink and getting his face wet, next squirting some of the face wash on the plastic pad and scrubbing it on his face, you giggled as you watched bubbles appear on his cheeks and nose. He turned to you with a quizzical look but you just waved him off, following his lead and starting to wash your face.

Harry smirked and took a small collection of bubbles from his cheek and planted it on your nose, making you gasp and playfully glare at him while he giggled.

"sorry" he snickered, sticking his tongue out at you as you pouted.

You rolled your eyes fondly and leaned down to wash off the face wash, patting your face dry after your hands came clean from your face, Harry following you moments later.

Harry stuck his tongue through the corner of his lips in concentration as he poured the face mask onto the small plate you had gotten, grabbing the plastic brush and lobbing the grey substance onto the brush, motioning for you to turn towards him.

You rose your brow but obeyed, closing your eyes as harry took your chin and started to lay the mask on your forehead and cheeks "oh you're doing it for me?" you chuckled, peeking open an eye to see Harry once more cutely sticking out his tongue in concentration.

"yep" he muttered, dipping the brush back in the mask and layering your nose and chin. "and yer gonna do mine"

"okiday" you sang, closing your eyes again and leaning into his touch. A few moments later he smoothed over the last bit of mask on your face, clicking his tongue as he leaned back and grinned.

"done! Now do me~!" you giggled and grabbed the brush from him, pouring out more face mask and reaching out to Harry's fact, trailing your fingers on his cheek before settling under his jaw, pulling him gently towards you. Harry let out a sound akin to a purr as your nails scratched his skin.

"Sometimes I think you're a cat with how much purring you do" you joked, rubbing your thumb on his chin and moving his face to the left to lay the mask on his cheek.

"then yeh must be catnip cuz im addicted ta you~" Harry flirted, raising his brows, laughing as you smacked his shoulder.

"stay still" you scolded, unable to hide the grin on your face "dork" you smoothed the mask over his nose and nodded, releasing his face and leaning back "there we go now we wait"

"im gonna go get snacks, yeh choose the movie" he pressed a careful kiss to the top of your head and skipped out of the bathroom, heading for the kitchen. You sighed dreamily and smiled, walking out of the bathroom and back to the bed, sitting back down, and setting the laptop on your lap.

A few minutes later, harry reentered the bedroom, holding a tray filled with snacks, ranging from fruit to popcorn.

He set the tray on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed, flipping nest to you and looking down at the laptop "what are we watchin?"

"ummm how bout" you hummed, leaning your head on his shoulder "Death Becomes Her?" Harry raised his brow, looking over the description.
"what's it about?" he muttered, reaching over and grabbing some strawberries from the tray.

"a woman doesn't like being old so she takes a youth potion that has side effects" Harry pursed his lips and shrugged.

"yeah play it" you nodded and pressed the play button, leaning back into harry as the movie began to play, rain and thunder blurring into the background as you and Harry settled in for a comfortable night at home.

About 20 minutes later Harry glanced at you, noting that the dark grey face mask had dried and turned a lighter grey, he touched his face, feeling his own mask begin to crack "I think its time we wash up"

"hmm?" you blinked sleepily, being drawn from the claws of sleep "oh, right, the face masks, okay" Harry helped you sit up and followed your tired self into the bathroom, helping you wash off the face mask "don't forget to moisturize kay?"

"kay" Harry muttered, drying off his face and grabbing the small bottle of face moisturizer and squirting some on his finger, dabbing it on his face before turning to you, waiting until you dried your face and redid the process on you, grinning as he planted a bigger dollop of cream on your chin.

"dork" you yawned, rubbing in the moisturizer and humming a tune as you and Harry finished up your little self-care night and walked back to the bed, collapsing in each others arms and watching the rest of the movie with weary eyes.

"I love yeh (y/n)" Harry rumbled in your ear, only seconds away from falling asleep.

"I love you too Harry" you mumbled back, tilting your head to press a soft kiss to his cheek, letting your head drop into his neck after doing so.

Harry reached behind him and shut off the overhanging fairy lights, curling his arm around you and pulling you even closer to him, falling asleep to the sound of the movie and rain.

A date night ruined by a storm, rescued by movies and clay masks.


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