Request - Fem!Harry Hook x Fem!Reader

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FEM!Harry Hook aka Heather Hook.

Readers back muscles ref lol *que heather drooling*

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Readers back muscles ref lol *que heather drooling*

If it's not too much trouble, would you mind writing something for Fem!Reader x Fem!Harry Hook? (Or even a Fem!Reader x Uma x Fem!Harry Hook)? Your other writings have been very enjoyable, but it's a little difficult to put myself in the readers position with their typical orientation. I would greatly appreciate it if you wrote something, but you have no obligation to do so. Even if you decline I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day^^Take care!


Heather Emma Hook was fucking doomed, absolutely fucking doomed.

She had fallen in love, most definitely....with you. The captain of the archery team at Auradon, Head of the renaissance fair planning committee that was coming up soon.

The daughter of Robin Hook, (y/n) Loxley.

She didn't know exactly when she fell for you, but she knew when she realized she did.

Well, she couldn't pinpoint it, but she had a couple "oh...oh no" moments.

One was when you had picked her up like she weighed nothing after she twisted her ankle chasing Gil around. She had legit fucking squeaked as you did so, wrapping her arms around your neck. She turned red as you grinned at her, your eyes sparkling.

Another was when she walked into the dorm rooms gym, dropping her hook on the floor as she saw you doing pull-ups, your back muscles making her fucking drool.

You dropped from the bar, shaking the sweat from your head, grabbing your towel and wiping the sweat from your skin.

You turned, your smokey (e/c) eyes locking with Heather's shocked bright Blue ones. Heather swallowed harshly as she stared at your pretty lips as they broke into a smile. "hey, comin' to work out?"

You asked, tilting your head, furrowing your brows as Heather stuttered off some excuse and bolted out of the room. "...huh" you sighed, dropping your towel and grabbing your water bottle, squirting some in your mouth and flopping into the beach nearby.

"She fucking hates me" you muttered, rubbing your face.

Heather was an outgoing, loud, playful girl, who easily socialized with others and made it known if she didn't like someone. But she never talked to you, in fact always making excuses to avoid you and running the other way when she saw you.

Which fucking sucked since you had a humongous crush on the daughter of Captain Hook.

Her crystal blue eyes had hypnotized you as soon as you saw them, her pretty pink lips pulling you in, her wild chin-length black hair begging for you to run your hands through it, her siren voice pulling you under the waves.

Goooood you were fucking smitten with her, and she hardly ever looked at you.

What a sad life you led eh?


You turned the corner of the library, raising your brows as you eyes made contact with the jeaned butt of Heather Hook, who was on a high up ladder picking out some books from the art section. you felt your face burn as you looked away as quickly as you could. 'don't look at her butt, don't look at her butt, dontlookatherbutt, dontlookatherbutt!' you thought, continuing to move toward the history book.

"woah-wha-woah!" you spun around, gasping as Heather lost her balance on the high ladder, falling towards the book covered ground.

You jumped over the books and held out your arms, grunting as Heather's weight slammed into you, almost losing your balance and falling into the books but thankfully you held your stance.

"Heather, are-are you okay?!" you gushed, giving her a quick look over for any injuries.

"..." she just stared at you, her dark lined bright blue eyes staring at you.

"Heather" you furrowed your brows, staring right back at her, slightly snapping at her in a firm tone ", that was quite a fall, and im worried about you"

"y-yes" she squeaked, her hands curling up underneath her chin....goddamin she was too cute. You wanted to put a cat ear beanie on her or something similar to that.

"good" you stepped out of the way of the books and set her down "I don't want you getting hurt" she just continued to stare at you with wide eyes, her face slowly turning red.

You clicked your tongue awkwardly and put your hands on your hips. "look I know you hate me but-"

"HATE YOU?!" Heather yelled, jumping as the librarian from the other side of the room shushed her "-i-I" Heather stuttered, wringing her hands together, biting her lip "I don't hate you, hell I really like you-....i didn't want to say that?!" she squeaked, realizing what she had said, looking back up at you.

You watched as her eyes darted around the room, her hands cupping her cheeks. "you-you like me?" you tilted your head, a grin slowly growing on your face as Heather was turned to a red bumbling mess.

"i-I well um- i-...yes" her head dropped to her chest, clutching her hands to her chest. You leaned closer to her, curling your fingers under her chin and tilting her head up.

You smiled, taking pride in her little squeak. "good thing I like you too huh?"

"wh-AT?" her voice crackled, her shocked Ocean blue eyes staring into yours. "you-really??"

"really~" you purred, leaning in and kissing her cheek "I've liked you for a while now, but you always ignored me so I assumed to didn't like me at all"

"I've just been overthinking you" Heather chuckled, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear, her blush still heavy on her face.

"Alright then" you snorted, giving her a soft smile and tilting your head "if you would maybe. Go on a date with me?"

Heather's jaw dropped, the full force of her blush returning and she squeaked and buried her face in her hands, a few moments later giving you a shy nod.

"yay~" you quietly cheered, picking her up and spinning her around.

"ah!" Heather softly screamed, a small smile on her face.

You placed her back on her feet, kissed her cheek, and finally exchanged phone numbers with her.

"ill see you later yeah?" you whispered, pressing your forehead to hers.

She gave a shy nod, "Yeah, see you later~" she hummed, giving a bright grin.

You grinned back and spun around, heading back out of the library.

You took a single step outside the room before you remembered you had never gotten your history book.



Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now