Pile of blankets

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Harry hook x female reader where the reader got stuck in the rain or somthing like that and got sick and MEGAS THE FLUFF of u don't mind I really don't care as long as it's fluffy

You woke up to a sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, and chills running down your body.

You were sick, thanks to the sudden storm last night that you had gotten caught in thanks to your car breaking down, along with having no umbrella or raincoat.

The day was just shitty in general, but today would be slightly better.

Due to the handsome pirate that was running int and out of your dorm room to get you things to make you comfortable, like a heated blanket, a giant water bottle, fluffy socks, his smallest pair of sweatpants, which still hung off your hips, his hoodie, and his pillow, which your face was buried in.

"Hey lass" he whispered, setting down he tray with soup in it "how yeh doin'?" he asked, kneeling down and placing his warm hand on your freezing forehead.

"bleh" you muttered, leaning into him "shitty"

"I would think so" he chuckled, kissing your cheek and helping you sit up the pile of blankets you were in, "yeh need ta eat though luve" you hummed, wriggling to free your hands from the labyrinth of blankets.

Making grabby hands at the soup, harry snorted and placed the tray on your lap, knowing you were functional enough to feed yourself.

*beep beep* harrys phone went off, he slid it out from his pocket, raising his brow at the message from evie

"who ish it" you asked, hurridly swallowing down your food, Harry rolled his eyes, putting his phone on do not disturb.

"no one of importance at the moment, no shoosh to the left a little, I need cuddles" you were happy to oblige, letting harry burrow himself into your side/blankets.

"just don't get sick hooky~"

"I don't get sick love, isle toughness ye know?"

"yeah sure"


Three days later, you walked into your room, smiling as the red-faced harry in the pile of blankets.

"don' say it" he muttered, eyeing the soup in your hands. You grinned smugly.

"told you so~"

=the end=

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