fluff ending for first voice- Deaf! Harry Hook x reader

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name



"talking while signing"


"lip reading"

–narrator POV–

Harry sighed as he made his way down the busy hallway, reaching his locker he entered the code and grabbed his math books. As he closed his locker he felt his phone vibrate, he grabbed it and saw that the group chat composed of he, Gil, and his new girlfriend (y/n), had been given a new message, from (y/n) which said.

'hey hooky! We're gonna head down to the beach at 4:00, so be at the dorm by 3:40! Ben's letting us borrow his sailboat for a few hours, don't be late! <3'

Harry smiled at the adorable message, now even more eager for the school day to end. Harry entered his class and took a seat near the exits, a habit he couldn't shake off from the Isle.

As the teacher began his lesson Harry took out a high tech tablet given to him by Carlos so he could know what the teachers were saying, it had a mic so it would take speech and turn it into text. So Harry would be able to use what was said as notes, now you might be wondering why Carlos gave him a speech translator, well, there was a set of descendants *cough cough* lost boys *cough cough* that figured out he was deaf and to humiliate him, they spread it around the school, reaching to rotten four, Ben and FG. Once they figured out who spread Harry's disability to bully him, they were suspended and removed from all of Harry's classes. As class ended Harry stood and made his way to the door, the teacher stopped him and signed/said 'hello Harry, did you understand the material today?'

'mostly' Harry signed 'whatever I didn't get I'll ask (y/n) to help me with' the teacher nodded and signed/said 'alright, take care now, good day' Harry nodded and walked out, checking his phone he saw it was 3:30, so he began texting (y/n)

'hey love, heading over right now'



'hiya! actually, would you mind heading over to FG's office? She says she has some news for us'

Harry furrowed his brows but sent a message back saying that he would see her there. So harry stopped by his locker quickly and stashes away his books and rushed to Fairy Godmothers office, curious on why she wanted him there.

As he arrived at the office he saw (y/n) and Gil sitting on the couch on the left side of FG offices and Ben stood behind FG. Ben and FG had happy/excited smiles on their faces while (y/n) and Gil just had confused looks. FG stood and motioned for Harry to sit down so Harry sat in-between (y/n) and gil, (y/n) grabbing his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Hello Harry, I know you are confused right now but I wanted to tell you we have a way to restore your hearing."

Harry's jaw dropped and (y/n) bounced in her seat and tapped his shoulder excitedly and Gil also was bouncing in his seat.

"really!" Harry hurriedly signed/said, "how?!"

Ben smiled and said "it's a magic-based medical procedure that connects to the part of your brain that deals with hearing and creates an artificial connection to what was severed or disconnected"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now