Captured - Sparrow! Reader

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I want request another oneshot : this one is during the Audrey x Mal x Uma battle : Audrey kidnaps reader, who is daughter of Jack Sparrow, Harry's girlfriend and part of Uma's crew. In the oneshot, Audrey kidnaps reader to know where the Hade's flame is


h/c- hair color

y/n- your name


GODDAMIT, the bitch had taken (y/n), and I had no idea why. I paced around Evie's castle, uma and evie watching me with a worried gaze.

"harry" uma called, I whirled around, seething and glaring at her.

"what," I growled, not in the mood to really listen to her.

"calm down, shes (y/n) Sparrow, shes probably already got 50 escape plans"

"i-I guess" I muttered, still twitchy and messing with my hook, obviously nervous.

"come on harry" Evie spoke cautiously, stepping forward to place her hand on my back. "lets head to the cottage, maybe shell be there"

I nodded, shaking off her hand and following uma out.

I will get her back.


I fucking swear to calypso I was gonna stab this pink fuck in the chest, she kept trying to get information of where the ember was, but jokes on her! I don't fucking know!

Fortunately for me, even with her magic, she didn't know how to tie knots to bounds wrists.

"where is the ember!!" Audrey screamed in my face, holding the scepter close to my face, trying to use intimidation to make me spill

"I said it once I'll say it again. I. don't. fucking. Know."

Audrey growled, letting up and pacing around the cottage before stopping.

"you're absolutely useless!! And-...the're on their way"

I raised my brow, im hoping she meant Harry and the rest.

She turned with a wicked grin, I just internally scoffed.

"you'll be a good ransom piece for your boyfriend~"

Okay, that was a worrying sentence.

Nope nope nope nope, I don't like this, time to leave. I signed for Celia to keep quiet, as I undid the ropes around my wrists and ankles, carefully planning my escape


Mal was in dragon form, facing off Audrey, and I was trying to make my way to where she stood, she had (y/n) and I would get her back.

Then I heard a screech

"what!!! how did you escape!!!"

"You shall remember This day as the day you almost caught, captain, (y/n), Sparrow!"

All of a sudden (y/n) leaped off the edge, rope in one hand, scepter in the other, and Celia hanging from her torso.

I rushed to get under where I thought she would land. Uma quickly casting a spell to soften the fall.

"aresto momentum!"

(y/n) slammed into me, Uma quickly catching Celia.

(y/n) was cackling as she laid on top of me, the scepter still tight in her grip. "oh my god!" she gasped, sitting up slightly "that was the coolest thing I've ever done!!!"

"c-coolest?" I stuttered, staring at my bonnie lass, panic still sitting in my chest "more like fucking terrifying, I thought I lost yeh!" I sat up, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"ah!....shit sorry, Harry" she mumbled dropping the scepter and curling her arms around my neck, scratching my head lightly.

"don't leave meh side again, okay lassie?"

"I promise"




"yeah Harry?"

"do you have to be so extra all the time with your escapes?"

"look whos talking"


–the end–

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now