Angst/fluff ending for first voice- Deaf! Harry Hook x reader

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name



"talking while signing"


"lip reading"

–narrator POV–

Harry sighed as he made his way down the busy hallway, reaching his locker he entered the code and grabbed his math books. As he closed his locker he felt his phone vibrate, he grabbed it and saw that the group chat composed of he, Gil, and his new girlfriend (y/n), had been given a new message, from (y/n) which said.

'hey hooky! We're gonna head down to the beach at 4:00, so be at the dorm by 3:40! Ben's letting us borrow his sailboat for a few hours, don't be late! <3'

Harry smiled at the adorable message, now even more eager for the school day to end. As he entered math class, he felt a paper ball hit his head, glancing up he saw the descendants of the Lost Boys laughing and pointing at him, mocking him by moving their hands around stupidly. They figured out he was deaf and spread it around the school, revealing his deafness to all, and made his classes with them a living hell. Ben and (y/n) tried to reschedule his classes with them but were only able to move 4 of his 6 classes, so he was forced to sit with them in math and biology.

Harry growled and made his way to his seat that was right next to the doors. A leftover instinct from the Isle. Always be near all exits for a quick escape.

As Harry sat in his class he felt spitballs and erasers hitting him, but he didn't turn as to not give the lost one's satisfaction. As soon as the bell rung he bolted up but before be could rush out the teacher stopped him and signed/said 'hello Harry, did you understand the material today?'

'mostly' Harry signed 'whatever I didn't get I'll ask (y/n) to help me with' the teacher nodded and signed/said 'alright, take care now, good day' Harry nodded and walked out, checking his phone he saw it was 3:30, so he began texting (y/n)

'hey love, heading over right now'



'okiday! see ya soon hooky love ya!'

Harry started to type but his phone was knocked out of his hand and he was shoved into the lockers beside him, he grunted and sunk to the floor. He got his bearings for a second before his jacket was grabbed and he was picked up and tossed onto the floor, hitting it with a painful smack.

He could feel himself yelling and he made sure to mouth out curse words so it would get the attention of those not attacking him. He opened his eyes and saw a crowd and then a fist rushing at his face, he didn't have time to react, it connected with his nose and he felt the bones crack and his face exploded with pain.

His throat was beginning to hurt from his screaming for whomever the fuck it was attacking to fuck off. Opening his eyes once more he saw the leader of the lost boys standing over him a malicious grin on his face as he reeled his fist in and punched his throat, Harry choked and his breathed stopped for a moment.

'help, dear hades someone help me'

He felt a kick to the ribs, before someone smashed their foot into his left wrist. He felt a scream rip from his throat. The leader lifted him once more, punched his jaw, and slammed his head down on the ground.

Everything went black

Pain...all he could feel was pain, and what was that fuckin ringing? Ow light, yep that was a thing, along with a painful ass headache. Harry groaned and tried to move but his head hurt too much.

"oh my god! I think he's waking up!"

Shut up geez his head hurt too much for this shit.

"Harry?" someone pressed their hands to his chest and signed his name. "Harry?"' they whispered

"you know he cants hear you right (y/n)?"

"i- I know that talking just makes me feel better"

Dear god shu-....wait...TALKING, he-he can hear voices! Harry tried to focus and heard a type of tweeting from outside the window, he could hear the wind, he could hear the breathing of the person beside him. He...he could hear!

Harry forced his eyes to open and saw (y/n) looking down at him in worry, but relief overcame her features as he woke and she hurriedly signed/talked.

"Harry are you okay?"

His eyes started to burn and he felt his tears overflow and stream down his face, he began to sob. Covering his mouth and pressing his face into (y/n)s neck. Crying just as hard as he did when he lost his hearing 10 years ago.

"Harry!?" (y/n) pressed her hands to his back and wrapped her arms around him. "are you alright"

Harry's voice cracked as he heard himself speak for the first time in 10 years

"I finally know wha' my name sounds like when yer voice speaks it"

He heard her gasp, and her own voice crack as she spoke "H-Harry..can you hear me?"

Harry pulled away from her and nodded frantically "aye I can-I can hear ye loud and clear luve"

She broke out crying and stuffed her face into his chest, Harry wrapped his arms around her burying his face in her hair.

"Harry harry!" Harry looked up and saw Gil jumping up and down excitedly

"can you hear me too?! Can you hear me?!" Harry burst out laughing, crying even more, hearing one of his best friends voice after so many years.

"yes! I can hear ye too!"

Gil wiped a few tears away from his face and wrapped his arms around Harry and (y/n).

Harry laughed and cried, smiling so much his cheeks hurt. Looks like his wish came true, the first voice he heard when he got his hearing back, was (y/n).

–the end~–

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now