The five times Harry died - Huma fic

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-warning; graphic description of death and mentions of abuse, death of main character/minor- heavy ass angst with happy end

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-warning; graphic description of death and mentions of abuse, death of main character/minor- heavy ass angst with happy end


Harry was 7 years old the first time he died.

Murdered by his own father in a fit of drunken rage when he falsely assumed Harry was the senile pirate's old nemesis, Peter Pan. Harriet had screamed so loud even Maleficent heard her cries, the young girl took her baby sister and ran, leaving the broken and bloodied body of her little brother behind in the hands of their father.

The two girls ended up at the docks near Ursula's restaurant, and the old sea witch took pity on the two and let them stay the night. When Uma came downstairs to see them, she wondered where Harry was aloud. Harriet didn't answer, and that silence chilled Uma to her soul.

Uma bolted out of the closed restaurant, her mother not even trying to stop her. She ran and ran and ran, trying to get to her friend quickly, why? She didn't know, he had to be dead already, but Uma would be damned if Harry awoke to a dark room filled with the stench of his own blood.

Uma had died many times already, either from neglect or at the hand of her mother...or when some of her mother's customers got angry, so she was numb to the feeling of dying and waking up, but Harry had never died. Uma slid to a stop on the wet muddy docks and raced up the gangplank to the Jolly Roger.

She had no clue where Harry's body was but she could see that Hook was in his room so Uma snuck past and into the cabins towards Harry's room that he shared with his sisters. She creaked open the door as quietly as she could, choking on a sob as she spotted Harry, being too still for an energetic boy of 7, laying on the floor in front of his bed, blood seeping from his torso and head, his face turned away from the door. Uma looked to the floor, gagging as she spotted Hook's footsteps walking back towards his cabin "fucker" Uma harshly whispered, taking careful steps into the room so she could get her friend out of this hell hole "he'll pay for this"

Uma kneeled next to Harry and gently turned his face towards her, letting out a low sob as his usual sparkling eyes that reflected the ocean were as dull as the grey clouds that hovered the isle. She carefully lifted his head, feeling the back for any injuries, closing her eyes as she felt the large crack at the crown of his head, still seeping blood. She pulled back and looked over the rest of his body, quickly looking away from the several large wounds on his chest and stomach...caused by none other than Hook's hook.

She had to get him out of here, she couldn't let him wake up in the same place he died. Uma held back her sobs as she lifted Harry's limp body into her arms, cursing her smaller body as Harry's dead weight almost crushed her. But she had to do this.

Adrenaline rushed through her, or maybe it was something else, but Uma was able to pick Harry up and leave the ship, heading to the one spot she knew no one would find them, she had things there to help clean Harry as well.

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