Trust- Male reader

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Anon request


Harry dropped down from the small cliff, just off the main path of the forest-which led to the enchanted lake. But Harry wasn't going to the enchanted lake, he was going to a hidden spot he and his boyfriend, (y/n), had found a few years back, soon after Harry had moved to Auradon.

They had been together for about four years now, and had met each other five years ago this very day. Harry smiled at the thought, remembering when he first saw his boyfriend, his eyes bright as they locked eyes for the first time. Harry remembered being dismissive at first, defensive was the correct word but-he hadn't wanted much with Auradon and its brats.

That was until (y/n) was made his tutor, since Harry was all but hilariously failing math and their teacher volunteered (y/n) as Harry's tutor. Harry had been....peeved, at first, but soon came to see (y/n) just wanted to help, he never made fun of Harry's lack of understanding, or frustration, or any of his problems, he just helped him understand and push through it all.

Through that, the two became friends, hanging out practically every day until Harry realized-he really really liked (y/n), like-really liked (y/n). it took Harry nearly a month to confess, fumbling over his words and blushing like no other-only for (y/n) to smile, take Harry's face, and kiss his cheek gently. "I'm available this Saturday at five, see you then?" Harry just babbled and nodded, his jaw dropping open as (y/n) laughed and walked off. Harry had hardly believed it, but he had a date with (y/n).

Then there was a 2nd date, then a third, then they had been dating a month, half a year, a year-and then they graduated together, moved in together, and now-they had known each other five years-five wonderful years Harry wouldn't trade for anything in the war.

"wonder what he has planned," Harry muttered to himself, (y/n) had been oddly secretive for the last month, nervous as well, as if he was scared for whatever was coming to pass. The only thing Harry could think of was their anniversary, and neither of them had been nervous or scared about it before, well, other than the first one.

Harry was thrown from his thoughts as he found the scenic opening in the trees he and (y/n) had made their spot all those years ago, beaming as he spotted his beloved standing in the middle, a picnic set up below him. (y/n) beamed at the sight of Harry, opening his arms with a cheer of his name. "Harry!"

Harry chuckled, running towards (y/n) and leaping into their arms, the two sharing a sweet kiss, Harry laughed as (y/n) ran his hands up Harry's sides till he held Harry's face, squishing his cheeks a bit. "so-other than a picnic-" Harry started, glancing down at the blanket that they were standing on now, a basket of food set to the side. "-what did ye want? Ye said earlier ya had somethin' ta show me?"

(y/n) smiled, one that made Harry's stomach flood with nerves, good nerves, but damn the butterflies never stopped around his amazing boyfriend. "Well, I wanted to show you something, something I've never really shown anyone-not unless I knew I could trust you trust me?" (y/n) asked, his voice becoming quiet and shy as he continued to speak, biting his lip nervously.

Harry nodded, taking (y/n)'s hand and kissing his palms. "With anything, my love." (y/n) grinned, pecking Harry's lips, chuckling as Harry leaned in to snatch another kiss, but (y/n) was already out of reach, stepping back until Harry was left to stand alone on the blanket. "(y/n)?" Harry asked, tilting his head, wondering what (y/n) was doing.

Harry's jaw dropped as (y/n) rolled his wrist, his palm toward the sky-and the night sky seemed to appear in his hand; stars, comments, galaxies, planets-all in the palm of (y/n)'s hand. "Wow," Harry breathed, stepping toward his boyfriend, reaching out to cup (y/n)'s hand in his, his eyes almost sparkling with wonder. "ye have, magic?"

(y/n) nodded, the nervousness evaporating from his body, his eyes softening. "Yeah, magic of the night, runs in my family. it can be dangerous if not used properly, but-it's easier to use if you're not afraid of it, or those you are using it around. This is just some basic magic though, not very impressive." Harry just nodded, tracing his fingers along (y/n)'s palm, chuckling as the night shifted and turned-revealing more of the galaxy (y/n) was showing him.

"What else can ye do?" Harry asked, his eyes wide with childlike wonder as he looked up at his boyfriend. (y/n) grinned, pecking Harry's lips and closing his hand, dismissing the sky he had created in his palm.

"I'll show you, after we eat," (y/n) teased, laughing as Harry pouted, just wanting to see more of the pretty magic. "Harry,"

"Fine," Harry groaned, dragging (y/n) back down to the blanket, throwing open the basket, and digging in. "yer showing me everthin' got it?"

(y/n) laughed again, nodding, intertwining their hands on the blanket, taking a sandwich he had made earlier. "Got it,"


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