idk what this is just felt like writing

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Harry groaned as he shifted the gear in place. It was a muggy day on the isle of the lost, and Harry was, unfortunately, working on the ship doing repairs.

And it was hot as Hades ass.

Harry hated working on the rutter chain, it was always oily as fuck, and heavy as fuck, and it broke more times than he could count.

No wonder his dad just left it as a prize instead of selling it, it was a big ass pile of trash that needed a lot more than the isle could give it.

But it was Uma's treasured ship so he would take care of it when he was ordered to.

He sighed as he finally connected the final chain on the main gear, leaning back and wiping his forearm on his head. "fuuuck" he sighed, looking down at his hands and pants, that were covered in slick black oil. "this shit is never comin' off"

"wow" Harry raised his brow and turned, smirking as he spotted you, staring wide-eyed at him. "um-" you squeaked, turning dark as Harry chuckled at you and turned to face you.

"like what yeh see?" Harry purred, flexing a bit at you. You just stared at him, the oil dripping down his forearm to his bicep, and sweat glistening on his collarbone and soaking through his top, making it see-through and revealing his pecs and abbs.

"i-um-I" you stuttered, clutching the cold wet towel you had to your chest, feeling heat build-up in your face and reach your ears. "I-"

Harry's smug smirk softened into a fond smile, and he let out a soft snort, walking towards you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head "always nice ya know my bonnie lass finds me attractive"

"ha-have you seen yourself?" you pouted, pressing the cooling towel to his neck, which he jumped at before relaxing into it, a purr like sound erupting from him "it's hard NOT to find you attractive" you continued, reaching into your bag and pulling out a cold waterbottle.

"mmm thank yeh love" he muttered, cracking open a bright ocean blue eye and grabbing the bottle, fingers brushing against yours. "dunno what id do without yeh~"

"jump off a roof because Jonas dared you?" you snorted, looking over Harry's shoulder and nodding, seeing the rutter chain that connected to the ship's main wheel fixed "come on, lunch is ready."

"yeh mean yeh aren't meh lunch?" Harry purred, giggling as your face turned even darker.

You sputtered, smacking his hard torso "god you have no filter do you!?"
"nope" he snickered, following you out of the mechanics and up to the main deck. "especially 'round yeh~"

"harry stop flirting with (y/n) and get cho food!" Bonnie taunted, running off the deck and towards Ursuals chip shop.

Harry glared at her receding form, tossing his arm over your shoulder, and kissing your cheek "imma get changed real quick then ill be over there 'right after' kay?"

"kay" you laughed, pushing his face away and following after bonnie, waving to Harry as you ran out of his sight.

Harry sighed wistfully, a dreamy smile on his lips "how'd I score a bonnie lass like 'er"

He went to his room and took a quick shower and changed into a plain black t-shirt that he bleached to make it unique a couple of months back, ripped black pants, and his usual boots. He shrugged on his jacket and sighed, slicking his still wet hair back and walking out of his room and off the ship, making his way to the chip shop.

He slid through the salon-style doors and made his way to the main table the crew sat at. He pushed gonzo aside and hopped onto the table, jumping off and landing next to you, who rolled your eyes.

"ya know there is such a thing as walking around the table?" you pointed out, scrunching your nose as harry leaned in close and stole one of your fires.

"but that's borin' love~" he teased, sitting on the stool next to you and tossing his arm around you, continuing to attempt to steal your food.

"Harry!" you whined, smacking his hands away "my food!"

"and Im hungry" he mocked your whine, giggling as you turned and started smacking his shoulders like a cat.

"Harry stop teasing her, here's your damn food" Uma tugged your hands away from Harry and tossed a tray in front of Harry, who gave Uma a little nod and started scarfing down his food.

You gave Harry a quick final slap and went back to your food, snickering as Harry stared at you with wide eyes, as if you had insulted his mother.

"you guys are adorable" Desiree and Bonnie giggled, cackling as Harry sat up straight suddenly and stared at them with wide eyes.

You snorted and rolled your eyes, grabbing Harry's shoulder and forcing him back down in his chair "Harry we're kinda fuckin obvious"

Harry stopped, staring at you for a moment before, shrugging "aye we kinda are" he chuckled, stopping for a moment before a trouble-making smile grew on his face.

Harry quickly grabbed your hand and pressed his lips to your hand, peppering his lips on your knuckles and fingers. Your face turned dark and you ripped your hand away, squeaking at Harry with unintelligible words.

The crew burst out into laughter at your embarrassment and you pouted at them, deciding to bury your face in Harry's side to avoid them.

"awwww" Harry cooed, rubbing your back "im sorry love, I dinne' mean ta embarrass yeh"

"yes you did" you muttered, looking up at him with glassy eyes. Harry's breath hitched, and he shook his head a bit.

"Yeh are jus' too cute" he muttered, holding you closer into his side.

"wait you were trying to hide it?" Bonnie asked, her eyes wide before she burst into laughter "if you two were trying to hide your relationship then you failed big time!"

Harry rolled his eyes, finishing off his tray and glancing at yours, noticing you were also finished and placed his try on yours and pushing them into the middle of the table.

"while yeh all obsess over us, I'll be taking the bonnie lass here ta go do meh chores with meh and be fabulous, good day" he picked you up by your thighs and carried you off, snickering as you let out a loud squeak.

You hurriedly wrapped your arms and legs around him, pressing your blushing face into the crook of Harry's neck. "you are sooo extra" you whined, voice muffled by his shirt and shoulder.

"but im your extra ass boyfriend," Harry chuckled, thumb brushing against your thigh.

"can't deny that" you laughed, leaning back in his arms and forcing one of his hands to your butt and the other around your waist.

"lass oof" you giggled, leaning back even further, making him stop in place and wrap both of his hands around your waist, pulling you back into his chest "don't test me"

You just grinned, leaning forward a bit and then letting your weight fall back completely, making Harry yelp as he struggled to hold you.

"(y/n) stop!" Harry growled, hiking you up on his hips and glaring at you.

"mmm" you hummed, a shit-eating grin growing on your face "nah~" you attempted to lean back again but Harry lifted you up and tossed you over his shoulder, rerouting to the ship.

"that's it!" ignoring your protests of confusion, he kicked open his room door and tossed you on the bed, slamming the door behind him and smirking at your blushing face "time ta teach yeh not to test meh~"

"oh," you squeaked.


Uma wasn't happy with Harry when she learned he skipped out on his chores to do whatever he was doing with you.

And que the crew teasing you over your bruised hips.


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