Easy Access - Poly Huma x reader - HEAVY SMUT CHAPTER

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(Using she/her pronouns and Female biology for (y/n) as that's what im comfortable writing with for smut atm! Also Poly huma cuz I can)

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(Using she/her pronouns and Female biology for (y/n) as that's what im comfortable writing with for smut atm! Also Poly huma cuz I can)

*All characters used in the *important* scenes are 18-21+!*

art that inspired this piece/what Harry looks like!

art that inspired this piece/what Harry looks like!

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Harry had lost a bet, a bet to Jay. The loser would have to wear a dress to Ben's upcoming banquet (Ben had told you what it was about before but you didn't bother to keep it in your memories), and after two weeks of anticipation, it was finally the night of the banquet.

Gil and Evie had helped Harry pick out a dress and do his make up for the night, as Harry himself said; "if I'm going to wear a dress, I'm going to be the most fabulous bitch in that castle"

Oh whooooo boy he wasn't wrong.

Your jaw dropped as Harry entered into the banquet hall, dressed in a crimson cocktail dress that flared at his hips and had a slit on his left side starting at his thigh. His chest and collar bone were covered by the dress but his back was almost completely exposed allowing his very well built back to be put on full display (which you weren't complaining about one bit)

"Did his legs always look that good?" you whispered to Uma, who had frozen alongside you, she took a hard breath and shrugged.

"i-dunno" she stuttered, hiding her flushed face behind her glass "fuck- don't you just wanna-" you nodded before she finished her sentence, watching as Harry strut around the room, seemingly enjoying the eyes of the room on him as he proudly showed himself off.

"I don't think I've ever seen his thighs before-did-did he shave his legs for this?" you whispered again, grabbing onto Uma's arm as Harry turned, showing his back to you and revealing those very well built and amazing looking back muscles.

"He did" Uma whispered back, ripping her free hand from her skirt and grabbing onto your arm "holy shit (y/n)"

"I know" you quietly screeched, keeping your eyes on your, looks fucking amazing in a dress, boyfriend. "Fuck I might just-"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now