Together Again - D2 oneshot

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I need to work on my commissions but I was watching d2 and just can't help myself! So! D2 oneshot, (y/n) was invited to Auradon with the c4 with their twin! Harry n reader are pretty much already dating before d1

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I need to work on my commissions but I was watching d2 and just can't help myself! So! D2 oneshot, (y/n) was invited to Auradon with the c4 with their twin! Harry n reader are pretty much already dating before d1. Gender natural reader! no she/her or he/him pronouns used, outfits provided are just suggestions :3

*Suggested sex! no detail but you're gonna look at the paragraph and go 'oh yeah they had sex'. jus a lil warning*

*outfit options, take ur pick i designed both to be pretty gender neutral. 


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You stared out across the ocean to the isle, where you had left him behind...not willingly, but...with the others choosing good, and little to no chance of more vks coming over to Auradon any time were forced to leave him behind.

"(y/n)?" you turned slightly, your twin brother, Corbin; was walking up next to you, plopping down beside you on the sand. "still thinking about him?"

"How could I not?" you mumbled curling in on yourself, pressing your mouth to your arms. Eyes still locked onto the isle, particularly the area where the docks would be. Where he would be.

Corbin sighed, pulling you into his side "there's still a chance Ben could invite more kids over, maybe you could ask him to invite Harry next?" you hummed, tilting your head a bit. It had been six months since you had been told by your dad about your transfer to Auradon Prep.

"I dunno" you muttered, standing and wiping down your pants. "come on, it's getting dark" Corbin hummed, glancing across the sea again, seeing the isle lights starting to emerge. He nodded and stood, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leading you back up the path to the Auradon prep dorms.


Two nights later, you awoke to the sound of rapid knocking. You grumbled and slipped out of bed; Corbin still dead asleep as he always was. You opened the door and saw Jay and Carlos standing before you, both with wide eyes and hurried motions.

Carlos continually looked side to side, as if he was afraid someone was listening in, and Jay was clenching his hands "Mal ran off to the isle, we might need an extra hand" Jay said quietly, not wanting to wake your brother. Between the two of you, you were the better fighter and shot, able to shoot down crows from the air 200 feet below while they were moving.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now