Commission work -Happy Family - Harry Hook x Reader - oneshot

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sorry the kids are all white AF XS and yes Arella is Thomas' sister Rachel XD she fit best for what i was looking for. and yes....Killian looks alot older than 12 but that is the youngest pic of Thomas i could find that wasn't younger than 5 

Killian looks alot older than 12 but that is the youngest pic of Thomas i could find that wasn't younger than 5 

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*Arella is the oldest at 15, Killian is 12, the twins are 8, and Urania is 4!*

*Draco is 15 and is Mal and Bens oldest son*


"boys! Dinners ready!" you yelled at the upstairs area of your beach house, hearing the tumble of the twins and Killian racing to get downstairs.

" 'ere comes the circus" Harry chuckled, placing a small plastic plate in front of the 4-year-old Urania and kissing her forehead. she hummed in delight and stuck the cut up pieces of alfredo chicken enchilada in her mouth, she had was missing her front teeth and unable to cut her food properly yet, so you and harry still cut her food up. You set up the twin's plates and waited for Arella to finish filling her plate.

"muove!" Damian screeched, pushing at his older brother Killian who was holding him back from the dining room "fuud! Mom Killian won' lemme go!"

"Killian, let your brother go" you sighed, tapping your fingers on your arm as he sighed and released Damian shirt collar, the young boy raced into the room, jumping into his seat next to his brother and chowing down on his food. Killian snorted and got his food, setting his plate next to Arella's and grabbing a soda from the fridge.

Harry ruffled Killains hair as he passed him to get his food, sitting across from you as you all ate dinner.

"so.." Killian started, a low teasing tone to his voice "I heard tha' Arella's got a boy- ah!" Arella chugged the rest of her juice and chucked her cup at him, hitting Killian right in the forehead.

"ten points" you joked, standing from your chair and walking over to Killian, examining his head "you okay baby?"

"jus' a bruise mama" he muttered, glaring at Arella, who stuck her tongue out at him. "wha'd yeh do tha' for!"

"you know why" she snarled between her teeth "don't do that again or its your foot" Killian snorted and rolled his eyes.

"aye right, yeh jus' don' wan' dad ta know about Dr-" Arella yelled and attempted to dive over the table at Killian, Harry caught her mid-leap and pulled her away from the table, chuckling to himself as the 15-year-old wriggled around, screeching in his arms to no avail of getting free to kill her brother.

"LET MEH A'T 'EM!" she screeched, her father's Scottish tongue drifting into her voice. You cleared your throat, both Killian and Arella freezing as soon as they heard the sound.

"Arella, your dad will be putting you down, you will NOT being attempting to kill your brother, and Killian, you will stop teasing your sister over something she doesn't want us to know right now, if it's important she will tell us herself, understood?"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now