quartermaster? - pan! reader

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requested by lowkeyaesthvtic on tumblr

May I have a request where the reader is the daughter of Peter Pan (the OUAT one that was a villain) and she wants to get closer to Harry (they're already dating) but can't do that unless she convinces Uma to be a second "first mate?" Harry could help too if you want.

May I have a request where the reader is the daughter of Peter Pan (the OUAT one that was a villain) and she wants to get closer to Harry (they're already dating) but can't do that unless she convinces Uma to be a second "first mate?" Harry could ...

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the daughter of peter pan, that's who you were, known to be the daughter of one of the evilest villains in history, and when Auradon had been created, beast, aka Rumplestiltskin, and belle, who looked awfully similar to the blue fairy for some reason. Had banished Pan to the isle of the lost, along with many other villains, including the once pirate villain "captain hook", forcing him to leave his wife and his children were forced to follow him.

The people of Auradon forced rumples hand and he regrettably sent Killian, Hope, Harrison, and Calista Jane to the isle, the youngest only a couple months old.

"We can't have the children of villains here, they'll kill us all!!" the people of Auradon cried

Fools, rumple was a villain once upon a time and they seemed to have conveniently forgotten that.

Though now he called himself Adam and cast a permanent illusion that made him look different.

So now you sat in the caves near the crocodile shores, leaning against a midsized croc, named Gorvan, the spawn of tick-tock. (for some reason the crocs from the Disney version of peter pan were also on the isle, no one really cared, they were mostly chill unless you purposely aggravated them)

Waiting for your boyfriend Harry Hook.

Now you might be thinking

'hey? Aren't pan and hook enemies?' and you would be correct, Captain Hook and Peter Pan were enemies, but Hook had killed Pan only a couple of months after arriving at the isle, as the demon-like boys magic no longer existed, so he died from his wounds, and the barrier, which prevented death (unless from old age), had not cared to resurrect pan.

so your mother, who was eight months pregnant with you, asked Killian to not hold the fact of who your parent was over your head, and he had agreed, never referring to you as pans daughter, but your own annoying but tolerable person.

A person that loved his son, he had been slightly weirded out when he discovered your relationship with harry, before shrugging, he had no room to talk, he married the daughter of snow white and prince charming.

"lassie?! You in here?!" Gorvan popped his head up, recognizing Harry's voice, and stood, making you fall back when your pillow left and trotted to where Harry was standing at the entrance, too afraid to enter the den of the crocs.

"nonononon stay away!!! You beast get back!!! (y/n)!!" you sighed and stood, going to where you heard Harry's panicked babbling.

"really harry?" you groaned, patting the scaly head of the teen croc, gorvan seemed to snicker and trotted into a corner, giving harry space to climb down from a tree just outside the cave entrance.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now