Cold and Bruises

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*Hurt/comfort fic* *warning; talk of abuse; physical and alcohol abuse*

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*Hurt/comfort fic* *warning; talk of abuse; physical and alcohol abuse*


You jumped awake at the loud and sudden rapid knocks that echoed from your front door, just barely disguised by the rain that shrouded the isle this humid night. "the fuck" you whispered to yourself, slowly reaching out to grab your switchblade and slid out of bed. You stepped heel to toe silently as you crept closer to your door, stopping as the knocks sounded again, this time just slightly quieter and faster, as if panic was setting into the person's bones.

You waited for a few seconds before starting at the door again, furrowing your brows as you stopped just against it and heard the quiet sounds of someone...hiccupping? You pressed your ear against the door and frowned as the thick wooden door didn't hide the sound of fabric rustling against itself as someone knocked against your door again, this time almost defeated and so quiet that if you weren't next to the door you wouldn't have heard it.

The person hiccupped again and you slowly opened the door, flipping open your switchblade just in case. You swung the door open as the watery red-rimmed eyes of Harry Hook peered at you, his chin was crumbled as he pressed his lips together tightly. "Harry?" you gasped, eyes widening as you looked upon the soaked disheveled form of your long-time best friend and sorta-maybe-boyfriend.

"what happened-why are you-come in! you're gonna get sick standing out in that!" you gently grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him into your apartment, closing the door with your foot and quickly locking it again. You turned and flicked up the hallway light switch, gasping as you turned to look back at Harry.

Still wet blood caked the side of his head and was congealing into his soaked hair, his left eye turning red as his right cheek had a large curved welt growing with a thin bleeding cut on the bottom near his jaw. His neck had a red slowly turning purple hand mark that started at his throat and his wrists were rope burned and just starting to bleed "Harry" you cooed, you set down your switchblade and stepped up to him and cupped his face gently, biting your lip as he seemed to melt into you. "what happened?" he bit the inside of his lips, shaking his head a bit as a hiccup erupted from his lips and tears slipped down his cheeks and fell to the floor.

You let out a quiet sigh of distress and looked around your apartment, trying to remember if you had a first aid kit handy, the tension in your shoulders released ever so slightly when you remembered there was one in your bathroom closet. You looked back up at Harry and gently lifted your hands from his face, making him open his eyes ever so slightly in curiosity, and trailed them down to his shoulders, pushing off his waterlogged jacket and guiding his arms out "Harry?" you asked gently, letting the heap of heavy leather drop to the floor, reminding yourself to clean it up once you had Harry dry and taken care of "where's your hook?" you had noticed as you took off the jacket that his precious hook had been missing the entire time.

"it's-it's on the ship" Harry croaked weakly, hiccupping again as you slid his soaked top off, raising his arms to help you in your effort. You narrowed your eyes at the welts and reddening marks that were appearing on Harry's torso, clenching your jaw at the several thin slices on his arms and the ones just peeking over his shoulders.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now