Dog person - oneshot

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Harry wasn't a dog person, he was more a cat person, cats were clean, kept to themselves, hunted for their own food, and didn't roll in mud at the first chance they got.

Gil had insisted that since Harry had never met a dog how could he say he didn't like them? Harry knew he liked cats, so why would he like dogs?

Well, now Harry was in Auradon, where dogs were and...

Well...Harry ain't a dog person but wow that person walking their dog was really cute and holy shit the dog looked at him what was he-oh shit. Harry took a sudden step back as the large grey and white Pitbull pulled their very cute owner towards Harry with a loud bark, their owner yelping as the leash was wrapped around their wrist and easily pulled them into Harry's chest, the Pitbull trotting around the two to wrap their legs together.

"Cerb!" the owner yelped, Harry's chest fluttering as they ripped off their beanie and pouted down at the smiling Pitbull "dude come on! Why you gotta embarrass me like this?!" the Pitbull, Cerb Harry assumed from their very pretty owner scolding them. The owner looked at him, Harry's brain freezing as they locked their sparking (e/c) eyes onto his. "I'm so sorry about this, he-he never acts up like this" Harry struggled to find the words as the owner forced Cerb to walk around them to undo the leash.

"it-it's okay" Harry stumbled, feeling his ears turn red as the owner looked back at him, stepping away from him a little bit as the leash around their legs loosened. "um-he-you, didn't mind-shit" Harry, the notorious flirt of the isle, was getting word jumbled over a person he had only seen a minute ago. He felt heat spread to his cheeks as the owner smiled at him and held out their hand.

"I'm (y/n), again sorry about the behavior of this little asshole, but his name is Cerb" Harry took their hand and shook it telling them his name as he looked down at Cerb, laughing slightly as Cerb jumped up to Harry and pushed at Harry's arm, as if demanding Harry to pet him. "Sorry about that, he's actually never like this around guys" (y/n) sighed, going to pull Cerb off of Harry but Harry shook his head, rubbing his palm into the side of Cerb's head and decided then and there that dogs, especially ones that looked like this and had very pretty owners attached to their leash, were very cute.

"Why isn't he like this" Harry guested to Cerb eagerly pushing his muzzle and face into Harry's hand "around guys...other than meh apparently" (y/n) gave a sad smile and shrug.

"Bad family before I rescued him, probably abused, mainly by males, he's good with all females and kids, just dudes freak him out" Harry let out a small noise of pain, taking his other hand and rubbing Cerb's face a bit more.

"he's a good dog" Harry hummed, yelping as Cerb jumped up at him and got a good lick at his chin and nose "ah!" (y/n) laughed and grabbed Cerb's leash and collar, pulling the dog off of Harry, cooing at him as Cerb started to whine at the separation, "I think he likes meh"

"I think he does too" you laughed, stepping on either side of Cerb to trap him and prevent him from bulldozing Harry. "I'm sorry but, you can't have him pet you forever!" Harry laughed at that, sticking his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels slightly, watching you intently as you made sure Cerb's leash and collar were good before looking back up at Harry with a blinding smile that sent butterflies swarming around his gut. "thank you for being nice to him, and sorry again for him getting us tangled up" Harry shrugged it off with a wave.

"it's no problem, if it wasn't fer tha' we wouldn't have met" Harry slapped his hand over his mouth at that, his entire face burning as (y/n) stared at him with a small smile. Did he really just say that?!

"a flirt, aren't you?" (y/n) chuckled, fixing their beanie back over their head and biting their lip "you being for real, or is that just you?"

"I-" Harry couldn't get the words out, just continuing to stare red-faced at (y/n). (y/n) looked down at Cerb, then glanced at Harry, as if asking the dog 'well, what do we think?' Cerb pushed at (y/n)s leg towards Harry, (y/n) easily getting his message.

(y/n) looked back at Harry with a grin, to which Harry let out a small squeak that he mentally smacked himself over. (y/n) took out a pen from their jacket pocket and grabbed Harry's hand, writing their number on the back of his hand and winking at him "you're cute, and my dog likes you, call me. okay?" Harry rapidly nodded, holding his hand close to his chest as if it was treasure as (y/n) waved goodbye to him and lead Cerb back to their dorm.

"fuck" Harry muttered, looking down at his hand and biting his lip.

Well...he definitely was a dog person now.

Now he owed Gil fifty bucks.


Lowkey inspired by that one commission 5 parter I did...last year (it's called love at first sight :3) but Im staying up with my cousin until she gets picked up by her friend to get out of her house and this helped me not crash heh.


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