2 part commission work - happily ever after - part 2

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Ben stood with Harry, a pained look on the pirates face. "well get her back, I promise Harry" ben tried to comfort, flinching as Harry growled and glared at him, his eyes shiny from tears.

"it's my da, knowing him, there are two options, kill the babe ta get back at me or disappear and turn my little girl against me!" Harry's voice cracked as he thought of his father corrupting his little girl who wasn't even a year old yet!

"we will get her back Harry, we've beat every challenge we've faced, maleficent, my mother, Audrey, Cruella, we can beat some old washed away flimsy pirate" Uma walked over to him, rubbing his shoulder in a comforting way.

"All we need to know is where he is-"

"FOUND HIM!" Mal popped up from her crunched position on the Auradon map, the glow from her eyes fading "Hes at skull rock!"

"Let's go" Harry growled, starting to walk towards the door before you stepped in front of him, wearing a black leather jacket with a lost white top, black pants, and tall boots, a sword strapped to your side.

"i'm coming with you!" you pressed, frowning as Harry shook his head and tried to push you back into the living room.

"no lass I can't lose yeh-" you slapped his hand away and got in his face, mentally smirking as he blinked in surprise.

"do you forget you guys are not the only ones with legendary parents! I am the daughter of the captain of the flying Dutchman! The daughter of the KING of the brethren court! I am (y/n) Swann-Turner-Hook, and I will go with you to get OUR daughter back!" you roared at harry, breathing heavily as you ended your rant.

Harry sighed, tears burning at his eyes "i-I jus' can't lose yeh too, my love" he whimpered in a low voice, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.

"I know, and I can't lose you too, we have to protect each other, and save Arella" harry sniffed and nodded, pressing a kiss to your hair.

"okay" he muttered, perking up as Uma and Gil joined you in the hug. "wai-ack!" gil squeezed and cut off Harry's breathing, you laughing softly under the protection of Harry's arms "Gil-can't- breathe!!!"

"oh!" he quickly released him and smiled sheepishly "sorry!"

"as cute as this is, we have a baby to save don't we?" Mal offered, smiling as you and Harry shared a quick kiss.

"Right let's go!"


James laughed insanely to himself, staring down at the exhausted baby that was his granddaughter "at least, I will have a worthy heir~" he ran his hook across the pudgy cheek of the babe, her eyes flashed open and she began to scream in panic and terror.

"bloody brat" James muttered, curling his lip, and quickly ripping his hook away, a small cut appearing on Arellas cheek, causing her to scream even louder. "shut up! God, now I remember why I hated yer father-"

The door slammed open, and there, standing in the doorway, was a VERY pissed off harry Hook. "get away from meh daughter" he snarled, drawing his sword and stepping towards his "father"

"oohohoho! Becoming brave boy!" James taunted, drawing his sword "I remember when you would cower at the sound of my boot!"

"too bad i'm much older than back then and much stronger than yeh!" harry launched himself at his "father", knocking him away from Arella, Evie dashing in and grabbing the screaming girl.

"DADA!" Arella screamed, almost making Evie drop her. Harry stumbled for a split second, letting James slice at his arm.

"argh!" Harry yelled, stepping back to avoid another swing from the blade.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now