You are perfect - V2

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This is a revised/rewritten version of one of my first few hhxr~!! I wanted to give this one another go since I set a point that Harry n reader were 11 years old and kinda fucked up after forgetting that so imma set that straight with this, otay h...

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This is a revised/rewritten version of one of my first few hhxr~!! I wanted to give this one another go since I set a point that Harry n reader were 11 years old and kinda fucked up after forgetting that so imma set that straight with this, otay have fun reading~

you can find in the original version with in the first few 'pages' of this book! its called 'you are perfect - Harry Hook x reader' :3

TW; graphic description of self harm and blood!


-the isle of the lost; Five years before Descendants 1, you and Harry are 11 years old-

Harry sat in a cold dark alley on a cloudy isle night, his back pressed against the wet wall, blood dripping down from his left wrist to the damp ally floor. He sobbed through clenched teeth, trying to keep any painful whimpers from slipping through.

He clamped his eyes shut as the knife dug deeper into his skin, he could feel the tip of the blade hit his bone, but he pushed through, the serrated edge beginning to slowly slice through his bone.

"fuck" he whispered, pausing for a moment, blinking his eyes open, tears flowing down his red-dusted cheeks. He had to push through, he had to make his dad proud; he had to become a fully-fledged hook.

And if tick-tock wouldn't take his hand, he would take it himself. Harry took a deep breath, resting his hand against his leg and pushing down on the knife, strong pulses of unimaginable pain ripping through his arm.

"Harry?" Harry stopped, tilting his head towards the voice at the end of the alleyway, eyes widening as he locked onto you. You were staring down at his arm, eyes wide with horror "what are you-"

Harry scrambled back, the knife clattering into the pool of blood, and hit his arm on a pipe, a horrific scream ripping through his throat.

You ran forward, grabbing onto his shoulders and pulling him away from the pipe, wide eyes looking him over before they locked back onto his arm "Davy Jones' balls Harry" you whispered out, gently picking up his arm, avoiding the large laceration that dug down to the bone. "what in the hell did you do?"

Harry stayed quiet, tears dripping down from his chin. You sighed, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his feet, his just shorter form stumbling slightly "come on, let get you back the ship" Harry shook his head, clamping his eyes shut "Harry?"

"i-I can't" Harry croaked out, grabbing your hand tightly, his injured hand laying limp at his side; blood dripping down his hand. "I failed; I can't go back. not righ' now"

You stared at him for a minute, then nodded " taking you back to my place, dad can help you" Harry nodded, stumbling along beside you before the world started to swirl around him, his ears ringing so loudly. "Ha-...Harry! Ha–y!!!!"

Everything went black.


Harry slowly woke up hours later, the isle already draped in darkness. He slowly sat up, pausing as his left arm pulsed in extreme pain. He groaned out and lifted his arm up, cradling it against his chest "fuck" he muttered, his voice more high-pitched than usual.

As he came to full consciousness, he heard muffled voices come from outside the room he was in, one sounded like you, the other an older male with an accent...your dad; Jack. He looked around the room, realizing it was yours; fishnets on the walls with fake and dried-out starfish, one wall painted to be an ocean mural, and a good-sized bed he was laying on.

He snapped his head to the side as you and your father stepped into the room, and you looked so relieved to see him awake "how are you feeling?" you asked, stepping closer to him and gently grabbing his shoulder, checking on his arm.

Harry sniffed and shook his head, mind-numbing pain still thrumming through his body. You frowned, cradling his arm still as Jack; your dad, stepped up. "you are not to go home for a while, okay?" Harry nodded slowly, watching Jack set a hand on our shoulder and mutter something; to which you nodded. "good, I'll see you both in the morning, rest easy." Jack walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, leaving the two in darkness.

You turned on the desk lamp and went into your bathroom, gathering up some medical supplies to change out Harry's bandages. She walked back in front of Harry and gently led him to sit just off the bed, unwrapping his arm and frowning at the large laceration that went so deep it let you see the bone.

You glanced up at Harry, who looked off to the side, ashamed of what he had done. "you aren't weak" Harry glanced down at you as you cleaned around his wound, Harry wincing in pain as you did so. "you will never be weak, not in the way your father thinks" you muttered, pressing a clean cloth to his wrist to gently remove the dried blood.

You stood, grabbing Harry's face gently and bumping your forehead into his, smiling gently at him, looking into his watery ocean blue eyes "you are perfect in every which way Harry, don't let your shit hole of a dad tell you otherwise. You don't need a hook to be a Hook...okay?"

Harry nodded softly, closing his eyes and pressing against you, wrapping his uninjured arm around your arm and sniffing. "i-I jus'...I wan' ta make 'im proud yeh know?"

You hummed in acknowledgment, petting his hair as he buried his face into your neck "I know, I want to make my dad proud too, but you shouldn't nearly kill yourself to make that leap." Harry sniffed again, tears running down his cheeks and soaking your shirt. "don't you ever try doing something like this again okay? You could've died from it, either from blood loss or infection...I can't lose you harry, I can't" your voice broke as you spoke, tears blurring your vision.

Harry felt his heartbeat erratically, something finally clicking in his brain. The flutter of his chest when you spoke, the fuzzy feeling in his head; he was falling for you, and hard. He sniffed as you pulled back, his cheeks flushing red as you finished wrapping his arm, and then made a sling for it so he wouldn't use it accidentally.

"when do yeh think it'll heal up?" Harry asked quietly, and you hummed, tilting your head as you sat next to him.

"a long while" you muttered, grabbing his free hand and intertwining your fingers, Harry's face burning up. "maybe two months at the least? At the least? Because you got all that skin and muscle to grow back 'n all, you gotta hell of a scar to come too." you hummed, leaning against his shoulder and closing your eyes.

He pressed his cheek to the top of your head, gripping your hand tightly. "thank yeh (y/n)" you smiled, snuggling against him.

"you're welcome, Harry."

Jack peeked into your room hours later, smiling as he saw you and Harry sleeping, you were resting on Harry's uninjured arm, using it as a pillow as your other hand grabbed at his shirt, Harry's face was turned into you, his chest rising and falling slowly in a deep sleep.

Jack noticed the blanket on the floor and leaned down to pick it up, unbundling it and laying it across the two of you, smiling as Harry blinked awake "ya would be the only one I trust with her" Jack whispered, reaching out and caressing Harry's forehead, giving him a soft smile "take care of her, okay?" Harry nodded slowly, still gripped by sleep as Jack walked out, closing the door behind him.

Harry smiled, turning into you further, pulling you into his chest and sighing, falling back asleep.

'you are perfect in every which way'


Hope you liked this rewrite~ when I wrote this originally, I completely forgot reader n Harry were supposed to be 11 and ended up writing a little thing where reader had a suggestive thought and now im like 'ookay NOPE rewriting this!' yeah~! Hope yall enjoyed~

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now