umas schemes

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Mkay well daughter of hades and persephone , on the isle of the lost, bc of hades and no ones really gotten close to her until she meets Gil and Uma like in d2 then slowly starts becoming more closer to Harry and Uma knows her feelings for harry so she tries helping them get them together?

It was another lonely day on the isle of the lost, lazing around on top of the building your father's lair sat under. For anyone curious, you were (y/n), daughter of hades and Persephone, goddess of death and life, but you had none of your powers, like your father, the most you could do was make a (favorite flower) grow from the ground when you simply tapped its soil.

You stood, cracking your neck, feeling bored enough to explore, and honestly? You wanted to go visit your cousin, Uma.

Leaping off the building, you landed on your toes, turning into your shoulder and rolling back on to your feet. You rolled your shoulders, flipping your hood over your head and stalking forward into the smog surrounding the slick grounds of the isle.


Harry felt a shiver go up his spine, he turned, feeling eyes on his back, but he saw nothing, nothing but the thick smog surrounding him.

"dude you good?" gil patted his shoulder, tilting his head in the direction harry was staring at.

"i-" Harry started, shaking his head, turning back to the fruit stall "I don' know, just...weird feeling"

"HARRY GIL!" The two boys jumped, seeing uma rounding the corner "whats taking...-(y/n) what the fuck are you doing here?"

Harry turned, the weird feeling of being watched intensifying as someone stepped out from the smog, yellow eyes gleaming in the dark.

Harry felt his breath escape him as you stepped out fully, letting your hood fall from your head, revealing your blue hair.

"got bored" uma hummed, watching as you rolled your shoulders and cracked your neck "so you got bored, and decided to?"

"come over to the docks, never really been in this area"

Harry grinned, strutting forward and leaning down, grasping your hand and pressing his lips to it. "Well," he purred "I'd be happy ta show such a bonny lass around our humble abode~"

You made a face, slightly uncomfortable, using your other hand to carefully place your hand on his chest and push him away gently.

"umm thanks" you muttered, glancing at uma and raising your brow, she shrugged.

"well then" uma turned, jerking her head for (y/n) to follow them "come on."

You jogged after her, locking eyes with Harry once more.


Uma smirked as she watched you steal fries off of Harry's tray, harry making no move to stop you, even though he watched you do it.

Uma could tell when her cousin was feeling hard for someone, it had only happened once before but then they had taken something precious from (y/n).

They had been found dead three days later, hanging by their mangled feet in the main square.

Since then, hades had kept his daughter within his territory, within his protection, so (y/n) had grown up isolated, never really getting close to anybody.

So it was a slight surprise that (y/n) was getting so close to harry, enough to let him touch her almost constantly, she hardly ever let her father touch her.

Uma had some scheming to do.

Operation: get Harry to date (y/n) and then throw up from the adorableness is a go!


Turns out, that was going to be harder then it sounded, being that harry was almost constantly out and about, and (y/n) mostly was around her father or herself, so uma, not wanting to lose against her own challenge. locked the two in a closet.

Here are the results.

You are having a panic attack, due to your claustrophobia. and harry is also panicking, trying to calm you down so you don't pass out.

"shit shit shit!" harry kicked the door, but it hardly budged.

You began to hyperventilate, harry twitched, sinking to his knees in front of you, reaching out and clutching onto your shoulders.

"come on lass, breath with meh, in-out, in-out"

Tears started to stream down your cheeks, darkness edging in your vision, harry growled, releasing you and standing, slamming his shoulder into the door.


No reply, harry let out a frustrated yell, dropping down to level once more, cupping your cheeks "lassie you have to calm down, come on please!" you shakily grasped his hands, trying to breathe, but you couldn't.

Harry stilled, thinking of one last thing, god he hoped you wouldn't kill him after you realized what he was doing.

He flashed forward, pressing his lips to yours, prying your mouth open and breathing into your lungs, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth.

Soon your breath began to regulate, the darkness disappearing from your vision and you focus to see Harry's eyes closed, face all too close and he was....KISSING YOU WTFPAOSJFI0SDG

You yelped, pulling away and hitting your head on the wall, Harry's fingertips still on your cheeks. "why-" you gasped "why did you do that"
"ye were about ta pass out (y/n)! it was the first thing I could think of!"

You watched as harry stood, backing away and sliding down on the opposite wall, face red and his eyes darting around avoiding yours.

"yeah well-" you squeaked, patting your cheeks, trying to calm yourself "why was it the first thing!? You could have-"

"because I wanted to kiss you!" he blurted out, then his eyes went wide and he covered his mouth, looking horrified.

"you-" you whispered, tilting your head "you wanted to kiss me?" harry gave a shy nod, burying his face in his hands.

You shifted to your knees, crawling over to him, stopping just before his legs and grasping his wrists and pulling them away from his face, his eyes were scrunched closed, refusing to look at you.

"well, it's not one-sided" Harry's eyes snapped open, mouth opening to say something but you silenced him, pressing your lips to his.

"mph" harry let his eyes flutter closed and wrapped his arms around you, letting yours wrap around his neck and bury your hands in his soft hair.


Uma opened the closet door, smirking as she saw you and harry asleep on the floor, you on top of Harry, his arms wrapped around you protectively.

"adorable" she noted the bruised lips and hickies on both of your necks, "my plan worked"

She kicked Harry's boot, making him jolt awake, stating up at uma confused.

"come on love birds, we got a king to catch"

–the end–

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