Commission work - Happily Ever After - p1

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You woke to cries from the other room, your eyes snapping open. you sat up quickly, blearily looking to the clock on your nightstand, the red lights glowing brightly.

3:15 am

You sniffed, before noticing the cries had stopped, your husband stepping through the bedroom door moments later with your daughter in his arms.

"hey" he whispered hoarsely, the eyeliner smudged around his eyes, making him look even more tired than he was "did she wake yeh?" you hummed and held out your arms, making harry laugh as he walked over to your side of the bed and carefully placed Arella into your arms.

He leaned a little farther and pressed his lips to yours, smiling as he did so "love you lass" he whispered, leaning back and walking around to his side, pulling back his sheets and laying down next to you, laying his head on your lap and cooing up at Arella.

"love you too Harry" you whispered back, kissing Arella's forehead and leaning back on your pillows with her on your chest, harry staying on your thighs as he stared up at you and Arella with pure love in his eyes.

He still couldn't believe that he had this, a happily ever after like he was so often told he would never have, because villains didn't get them.

He was happy, truly happy, he had a beautiful wife and child, with plans for another in about a year, and a big house by the sea, with his own ship (which was a wedding gift from Ben that was more a boat than a ship).

He was nothing like his father, and it was his proudest achievement.

He still remembered the day he met you

He felt his heartbeat loudly as he stared at the (h/c) girl standing next to the brown-haired girl. He swallowed harshly as he heard her voice, it sounded like music to his ears.

What was going on with him?!? He had never felt this way before. Gil looked at him confused as he stared at the girl.

"oh! Aww Ha-" Harry smacked Gil's shoulder quickly.

"shut the hell up Gil" he muttered darkly, feeling heat creep up his cheeks as he forced his eyes away from her.

He needed to focus.

"hi!" Harry jumped slightly as someone spoke up behind him, he spun around, jaw-dropping slightly as he locked eyes with you "Harry right? We met during the whole.....Audrey fiasco"

You held out your hand, smiling brightly at him, he nervously took your hand, feeling heat creep up his cheeks again. "aye that would be me, and I heard jane call yeh...(y/n)?"

"yep that's me!" you released his hand, tilting your head adorably, making him mentally scream from it. "I was wondering if you would like to dance?"

"u-um yes!" he squeaked, smiling nervously as you took his once more outstretched hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.

Was this what all those princes and princesses were talking about?

And that set off a whirlwind of events that set his life on the right track, to this day he still got butterflies when he looked into your eyes. And now there was another little light to his life.

His amazing little Arella, who had his eyes and her mother's face and hair. The little girl turned in her mother's arms, her ocean blue eyes staring into his matching ones.

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