apple picking with harry

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-Harry is tol, you are smol (compared to him at least), you are definitely gonna sit on his shoulders to reach the good ones.

-he gripes about it but is just happy you're having fun, so he lets you do so, he likes the heat coming off your thighs as well

-harry has learned he loves john-a-golds, so crisp and sweet, thin skin too so it's easy to get to the good parts.

-Harry's jaw might have dropped when you arrived, he had never seen so many fresh apples in one place, it was honestly really freaking cute.

-and kinda sad, but you digress

-it was a typical fall day, cool enough to wear jackets, but not cold enough to fully bundle up, so evie had made harry some apple picking fall fashioned clothes.

-a red fabric jacket, fingerless thin black cotton gloves, button-down white shirt with his symbol on his chest pocket, black pants with stylish rips and textures on it, and brown boots that are artistically scuffed up.

-his hair was all messed up and shoved beneath a dark marroon beanie, evie had forced him to forgo his classic eye shadow, without it, he looked so soft.

-his hair was all messed up and shoved beneath a dark marroon beanie, evie had forced him to forgo his classic eye shadow, without it, he looked so soft

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-evie let him wear all his pirate rings tho

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-evie let him wear all his pirate rings tho.

-to let him have something edgy

-you had stolen one of Harry's hoodies, wearing your favorite gloves that harry had gotten you a couple months back, snug but stretchy jeans, and comfy black boots, with Harry's crimson beanie on your head.

-harry thought you were the cutest thing ever, his hoodie was adorable on you, he should let you borrow more often. Same with the beanie

-anyway, as I said earlier, you like to sit on Harry's shoulders to pick the higher up apples, and at one point, Harry loses his balance and falls back into a huge pile of leaves.

-cue dorky laughing and harry laying between your legs, his cheeks red and his laughter echoing around you.

-god you loved this boy

-the day ended with you two taking the train back to Auradon prep, harry falling asleep on you after a long afternoon

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