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Harry kicked open his cabin door, making you whine as he jostled you. "gentle" you groaned, rubbing your cheek on his jacket, Harry huffed.

" 'int meh fault tha' yeh got yerself all Pished on rum, now I got'a take care of yeh"

You mumbled, cuddling into his warmth, wrapping your arms around his neck as he started to lay you down.
"noooo" you wiggled, pulling yourself back up, burning your face in his neck "waaarm"

You didn't see harry blush, genuinely considering letting you just cuddle him, but shook his head, setting you down and unlocking your arms from around his neck. "come on lass, yeh will feel better after getting some sleep."

You pouted as he pulled away from you, undoing your boots and tossing them away. "cuddles!" you shouted, making harry jump.

"christ woman!" harry swore, rubbing his face, plopping down on his bed, you took the opportunity, sitting up and leaping onto him, using your weight to make him lie down with you on top, happily cuddling his chest.

"yer 'oot yer face love!" harry grumbled, his face heating as he submitted to your cuddles, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"yee" you giggled, snuggling deeper into his chest, feeling sleep licking at your heels.

"just-just go teh sleep love"

"otay" you hummed, letting sleep overtake you, dreaming of your doting boyfriend harry hook.


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now