do you hear what i hear? soulmate au!

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Soulmate au type, hearing your soulmate sing.


Harry had never heard a voice, not once in his life, from a wee babe to a rowdy teen, not a single note had echoed in his head.

His father had praised him, for his son, the only VK without a soulmate! It was one of the few times he had been vocally proud of his son.

While harry had preened at the praise in front of his father and his "friends"

Only he, his sisters, and uma knew the truth.

Harry wanted a soulmate, someone to truly understand and love him, someone to help him through his episodes and attacks, someone to just be there with him.

But alas, he had never heard a voice, so the only likely conclusion was he didn't have one.

Until one Christmas season, when he was 18, his very first Christmas in Auradon.

A voice, a beautiful voice, echoed in his head.

Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining~

What? Harry bolted up from his school desk, in awe as the voice filled his mind.

It is the night, of our dear saviors birth

Harry was so distracted by the voice, he didn't hear FG call his name, so as she tapped her ruler on his desk, scaring him slightly.

"now what is so important that you couldn't hear me Mr.Hook?"

"i-I" his voice cracked, tears beginning to fill his eyes "I can hear singing"

FG stern look melted into pure shock and joy, having been told of Harry's misfortune.

"oh my! That's wonderful! Ohoh!!! Class dismissed!"

Uma bolted right up, her mouth opened in a wide grin.

"you can hear them!!!"

Harry started to laughed, touching his ears "I can hear them!!"

"It must have been the barrier that blocked the magic!"

Harry felt hot tears of joy slip down his cheeks, his face daring to split from the grin.

"i-I have a soulmate!"

"you have a soulmate!"

Long lay the world~, in sin and error pining. Till he appeared, and the soul felt its worth.


Mary did you know~ that your baby boy, would one day walk on water~?

Harry sighed, leaning on his hand, listening to the voice flowing through his ears.

"dude you haven't even met them and you are smitten!" uma teased, pinching his ear. Harry flinched away from her, pouting.

"they're meh soulmate uma, of course, I am"

Uma chuckled "I know I know, so when are you gonna go on the hunt?"

Harry shrugged, smiling as the voice became for powerful "aye Dinnie kae, im just kinda hopin' tha' I'll just find 'em" uma smiled fondly.

"you will, maybe for christmas~!"


You had never heard a voice, you had never run to your parents exclaiming 'I hear them!' they were sad for you.

Because there were only two options, one: you didn't have one, or two: they were on the isle of the lost.

Honestly? You preferred the latter because it meant you still had someone to love, and someone to love you.

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