Halloween fic 2021 - Haunting frights

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"No, not happenin'"

It was Halloween night, and the main sets of vks all stood in the main hall of Bens castle, the younger vks, such as Skipper and Sterling, were already out in the kingdom trick or treating with Harriet and CJ, leaving the rest to mingle at Beast and Belle's Halloween bash.

And Chad had dared them all to go to the old Gracey mansion that many of the Auradon children went to on all hallows eve night. Hoping to get scared from the supposed haunts that wandered within the decaying walls of the 'abandoned' mansion.

And while most of the vks were good with going, there was one particular pirate who did not do 'scary' or 'haunted' things. And that pirate was Harry Hook, dressed as a cursed (think black pearl) version of himself, his black sclera contact covered eyes glaring at Chad as the prince grinned at him "there is no way im steppin' foot in tha' nasty ol' house, what if it isn't sound anymore?"

"Harry" Uma interrupted, her tone bored "you actually jumped off a roof yesterday, what's got you shaken about a house that is a bit creaky"

"Do I have ta' tell yeh again Uma" Harry whined, bouncing on his heels a bit "controool, I had control over jumping and had safe landing ahead of time. Going inta' a creepy decayin' ol' house has no control whatsoever"

"And here I thought Harry wasn't scared of nothing" Mal muttered to Ben, who snickered a bit as Harry continued to push against the idea of all of them going to the mansion.

"Are you guys talking about the old Gracey mansion?" Harry felt his body flood with butterflies as your voice suddenly appeared from behind him, he turned and smiled at you, once again admiring your costume (which is whatever yall want it to be).

"uh-" Harry tried to explain what had been going on the last few moments but Chad interrupted.

"yeah, dared em to go, but Harry's being a-" Chad was stopped by Harry's hand slapping over his mouth and Harry's black eyes glaring down at him, making the prince shiver in his shined boots.

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