La Bouff!Reader - Different

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Harry slammed his book shut and pushed it away from him, the book sliding to the edge of the table. He muttered to himself as he buried his face in his arms "fuck this, fuck school, fuck math, and fuck beasty boy for good measure" he growled, sitting up, grabbing his bag, and pushing back his chair. he stomped out of the library, ignoring the shushing librarian.

Back on the isle he never had to deal with this kind of shit, no cow-cu-les or whatever it was called, no algebra or devision. (math terms spelled wrong on purpose)

It was kill or be killed, steal or starve, math didn't matter on the isle, only knowing how much you were owed did, and he never had to know that thanks to Uma calling the shots.

That was probably why he was comfortable as first mate, he was the scary one, the one who threatened and dished out punishments, not the one who counted how many rubies the Frollo's owed them for protection.

He was failing all his math classes, failing English, failing chemistry, and he HAD to pass almost ALL his classes if he wanted to stay in Auradon.

It was known for all vks that if you failed most of your classes you would be expelled and sent back the isle.

Which was bullshit but Auradon was strict in its rules, he had even heard one of the Pan kids be threatened with expulsion for low grades.

But he wouldn't be sent to the isle, he would be sent home...and the isle was Harry's, it was the same in the eyes of Auradon.

Harry stomped out to the gardens and slumped down on a tree, next to one of the little lakes full of koi and turtles. Harry sighed, rubbing his face, letting his bag slide off his shoulder and slump on the floor.

"fuuuuck school" he muttered, his head falling back against the trunk, letting the cool breeze flow around him, listening to the water as the koi jumped around.

He felt a stray tear of stress trail down his cheek.

"Are you okay suga?" a light southern drawl of a girl suddenly spoke in front of him, Harry snapped his eyes open, staring into the kind (e/c) eyes of a (short/tall) (skinny/muscular/thicccXD) girl that stood in front of him, her face dropped in concern for him. "I saw that little show you did hun, I know that feelin, school drawin you down?"

Harry huffed and grabbed his bag, standing and glaring at the honey-voiced girl "none of yeh business lassie, mind yers" he pushed past her and towards the dorms, done dealing with people other than Uma or Gil for the day.

He felt kinda bad because the girl seemed to be showing genuine concern (like most Auradon kids, annoyingly kind) but his stress about school was his to deal with, he didn't need some over concerned Auradon brat in his business.


Harry muttered to himself as he scribbled in his notebook, glaring down at his English book. He had an essay due in the next three days and he understood nothing about the subject.

He growled and chucked the book away from him, the heavy book sliding against the soft grass and stopping under a heeled boot. He burled his head in his arms and went still, teeth-gritting and his mind attacking him.

"hun, are you sure you don't want help?" the honey-dipped voice asked again, closer this time, and just across from him instead of above. Harry looked up, eyes once more locking with the kind-eyed girl.

Harry glared at her, going to grab his book but jumped as her eyes narrowed and shook his book in his face "hun, I know the consequences if ya fail ya classes! None of yall deserve to go back to the isle over some failed classes, please let me help, you won't owe me anything over it, I promise" Harry sighed, looking at the now outstretched hand of the girl, he grabbed it, yelping as she strong armed him into a standing position.

"shit lass how strong are yeh!?" Harry muttered, staring wide-eyed at the girl, she laughed and grabbed his notebook and bag, shoving them into his arms and tugging him towards study hall.

"quite~ I work with my aunty at her restaurant~" Harry hummed and pulled his jacket out of her grip, fixing his grip on his bag and slugging it over his shoulder.

"alrighty then" he muttered, opening the door for the girl and letting her step into the hall first before following in after her.


(y/n) La Bouff, was the girl's name, and she had been....a much better tutor than he thought she was going to be, his Fs and Ds had turned to Cs and Bs and was no longer threatened with expulsion.

Which resulted in Uma hunting down (y/n) and inviting her to sit with them for lunch, as thanks for helping her first mate not be kicked out of school.

And like the sweet thing she was, (y/n) happily agreed....and now three months later was still sitting with them every meal and had been gifted an anchor necklace as her welcome to the crew.

At the moment he and (y/n) were strolling down the hall, making their way to their next class. Galvin suddenly slammed into (y/n)s shoulder, making her wince, Harry turned, glaring at the shorter teen and growling. (y/n) placed her hand on his arm and shook her head "ignore him" she whispered, forcing him to walk.

"Why did he-" Harry was about to ask why he shoulder checked her before Galvin turned and chucked a balled piece of paper at (y/n)s head.
"hey 'La Bouff'" he taunted, giving a nasty grin "still faking your status? Have you told your pirate friends that your not even really Charlotte's kid?" harry raised his brow....this-This is what he was bullying (y/n) over for? That she was adopted? Wow, Auradon kids really had nothing better to do, did they?

"oh fuck off Gavin, at least my ma wanted me, yours is stuck with you~" (y/n) smirked, kissing her middle finger and blowing it at him, harry snorted and leaned over, coughing on his spit.

Gavin turned red, sputtering over his words, trying to find another insult "well-well, um-you're just using the pirates to gain popularity!"

(y/n) pursed her lips, placing her hand on her chest "oh bless ya heart suga, I think you got me confused with your shallow self~ now why don't you run back to ya little friends and go pretend to be better than me somewhere else where I don't have to look at you~" Gavin turned scarlet, turning and running off, cursing under his breath.

Harry snickered, rolling his eyes at the cowardly boy and tossing his arm over (y/n) shoulder protectively, daring any more bullies to try to rouse a fight with (y/n).

"yer mighty impressive lassy" harry hummed, looking at the grinning girl, who giggled and bowed her head.

"thank you kindly harry~ I do take pride in takin them down a peg or two~" she laughed, wrapping her arm around his torso, pulling herself flush against his side.

Some Auradon kids raised their brow at the odd pair, adopted granddaughter of high-class wealth and the most powerful man in New Orleans, and the son of a pirate.

Their eyes drifted to Harry's new necklace, the shining gold hook swinging side to side as he walked, then to your simple silver anchor necklace, polished but obviously not expensive.

But the two of you didn't seem to care, glad to have each other's friendship. That would probably turn to something more one day.

Which Uma did bet $50 on you making the first move so it better turn to something more one day or Uma would be out $50 bucks.


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