Famous!Harry Hook- modern AU - im sorry, who? - oneshot/part 1(?)

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It was just supposed to be a normal, always slightly stressful, day at your job at Tiana's Café. It was just supposed to be the usual day of filling out orders, making pastries, manning the cashier, dealing with sometimes unruly customers.

But unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at the situation), your usual day was interrupted by screaming girls and a panicked, very handsome, young man.

"yeh hav'ta hide meh, please!" his wide fear-filled shocking blue eyes stared into your soul, his hands gripping the counter so tight you thought it would crack.

This dude was obviously running from someone...or something, considering the rabid sound of what you could guess were fangirls. You took pity on the poor soul and walked around the corner, grabbing his arm and tugging him into the back, pushing him through the door and turning, running back to the main door and swinging around the 'closed for lunch' sign and locking the door, pulling on the string to draw the curtains so no-one could look inside.

You sighed, taking a step back and holding your breath as you heard a shrill voice scream on the other side "I SWEAR I SAW HIM GO THROUGH THIS DOOR?!"

"well its locked and closed dipshit, maybe he went through that one?" the second voice, much calmer but there was a...snootiness to it. "considering how thick your glasses are I-"

"Oh shut up!" the shrill voice was back "we have to find Harry! I wanna nab a picture of him! Maybe get his jacket!"

"Not if I get it first!" this time a whole choir of voices joined, then the crowd of girls ran off, leaving you alone to finally release the breath you were holding in fear that they would somehow hear you.

"Holy shit" you muttered, jumping and spinning around as your boss, Tiana, came out of the back with the young man's collar in her hand, dragging him next to her.

"Holy shit is right, now what is this young man doing in the back little lady? I've told you before there are no customers allowed in there." she rose her brow at you, the young man, Harry you assumed, looked at you pleadingly, he didn't want to go back out there. "Well, spill it?"

You just pointed back to the front as the very loud footsteps of the crowd of girls ran past again. Tiana closed her eyes and sighed, releasing Harry's collar and rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Oh my, and here I thought I was done with those fangirl days when Naveen married me" she smiled at you, your shoulders dropping as you realized she wasn't going to smack you with a pan, and turned to Harry "you can stay in here sugar', till those girls are gone, now" she walked back to the counter, pointing at the display of pastries and other foods "you want anything?"

Harry looked between you and Tiana, before nodding and walking up to the display, pointing at a chocolate turnover and also asking for a caramel Frappuccino. "I got you hon, no charge, I know what it's like to deal with girls like that" Harry gave her a shy smile and nod watching her as she went into the back to get the fresh turnovers, looking back over his shoulder at you.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now