Deaf! Harry Hook x reader - First Voice

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name



"talking while signing"


"lip reading"

—narrator pov—

ever since he was little, Harry had been unable to Hear the world around him, he could see, taste, smell, and touch just fine. but he couldn't see Harry was deaf, now he wasn't born deaf, no no no, an accident happened.

now when Harry was 7, he was on the jolly roger when a rival pirate crew ambushed his father's crew and took Harry hostage, and when the one holding him got tackled, Harry got sent to the floor and his head hit the floor and caused something connected to his ears in his brain to be disconnected, he blacked out and when he awoke, his sisters and uncle Smee standing over him, seemingly talking but...they weren't? he couldn't hear anything.

as he stared at them like they were crazy, Smee figured something out and tested it by secretly snapping his fingers directly next to Harry's ear, and...nothing. no reaction, saddened by the poor boy's fate, he grabbed a writing device and wrote

"Harrison my boy, I'm so sorry, but you're deaf now."

Harry, tried to tell him off, but when he spoke, he couldn't hear himself, he could feel the rumble of his voice, voice. Harry couldn't believe it, he jumped out of bed and ran off, needing to get away from everything for a moment. so he ran, ran past the usually noisy gaston fight bar. nothing. ran past the screeching witches. nothing.




collapsing on the beach he felt something burning at the back of his eyes, flooding over and streaking down his face. pressing his hand to his face he felt wetness

'tears, of course'

Harry let them run, he was allowed to, he couldn't hear any more for fuck's sake he could burn down a village if he wanted to.

so he cried, and cried, and cried.

Smee found him three hours later, curled up asleep on the beach, eyes red and puffy, tears long dried up on his cheeks. he picked him up and took him back to the ship.

Uma found out sooner than later and when she did she refused to leave his side for a week before her mother pulled her away, screaming her head off.

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