It's been a long, long time.

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You stared outside through the cloudy window, the rain beating down hard on the empty Auradon prep pathways. It was cold, didn't really like winter, it was always cold, always dark.

You continued to stare numbly out the window, watching the rain drip down the glass. You sighed, burrowing further into your blanket cocoon. You closed your eyes, ready to fall into another few-hour nap to ignore the world around you.

you have ripped away from that nap as your door opened and heavy yet light footsteps walked into your room, closing the door behind them and slowly walking over to your bed. "darling?" Harry, your boyfriend, whispered out; gently rubbing your shoulder and leaning into your peripheral vision. You didn't respond, closing your eyes again. "my love"

you didn't respond, and Harry sighed, climbing over to your other side and curling his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and starting to hum. You snuggled into his chest slightly, resting your cheek on his bicep.

Harry kissed your forehead, then your nose, then your cheek, then the corner of your lip, and then pressed a soft yet full of passion and love kiss to your lips. You swallowed down a fresh set of tears, a swell of emotions flooding through you.

After a few minutes of just lying there with you, Harry stood, unraveling himself from you and walking over to your record player, putting in one of your favorites and soon smooth music began to play through the room.

You glanced at Harry, wanting to smile but you couldn't. 'It's Been a Long, Long Time' was one of the first songs you had introduced Harry to when he came to Auradon, even showing him how to slow dance as well.

Harry started to sing along as the lyrics started to play, his soft voice reverberating through your body. "Never thought that you would be. Standing here so close to me. There's so much I feel that I should say. But words can wait until some other day"

Harry walked back over to you, gently grabbing onto your hands and pulling you out from your blanket cocoon, leading one hand to rest on his shoulder as the other stayed gripped in his hand, his now free hand resting at your waist.

He kissed your forehead again, singing softly against your skin. "Kiss me once, then kiss me twice; Then kiss me once again. It's been a long, long time. Haven't felt like this, my dear; Since I can't remember when. It's been a long, long time~"

Your head fell against his chest, cheek squished as you closed your eyes and let him lead you around the room. and for the first time in a while, a smile pulled at your lips.

"You'll never know how many dreams; I've dreamed about you. Or just how empty they all seemed without you. So kiss me once, then kiss me twice; Then kiss me once again. It's been a long, long time~"

Maybe this season wouldn't be so bad as usual, with Harry at your side.


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