Protective part 2

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Part two of an old fic called "Protective" which has Dad Harry and (y/n) have a baby after d2/before d2, there's two versions, the early 2019 version which has bad writing, and the October 2020 version. both versions are in this book with v1 high up and v2 should be close by to this part 2. enjoy!


You stared wide-eyed at the letter held in your eyes; sent, written, and signed by King Ben himself.

Dear Mr. Harry Hook and Ms. (y/n) of the isle. His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his Councilor Ms. Evie of the Isle, hereby request the pleasure of your company, for the upcoming academic year at Auradon prep. Please notify his Majesty's couriers of your response to this request.

-we'd love to have you three with us here in Auradon, you and your child deserve a better life, will you come? If you accept you will be picked up one week from your response date and will live in the dorms until graduation. - King Ben

It had been around two months since the whole 'kidnapping ben for the wand' situation, and Ben had not been able to get you, Harry, and your baby off his mind. And before anybody else could stop him; he made the arrangements for the three of you to live in Auradon, and sent the very invitation you were holding now.

You stood from the barrel you were sitting on and walked into your shared room with Harry, holding up the letter as he looked up from feeding Arella. "what's up-" he paused as you turned the letter around and let him read it. His eyes went wide "holy shit, is-is that fer real?!" he stood, gently moving Arella into your arms and taking the latter, reading it over and over again "holy shit it's real-we-i-you..." he looked back up at you, reaching out for your free hand and intertwined your fingers "should we do this?"

You thought about it for a moment, then looked down at Arella, smiling as she played with your jacket straps "yes...yes we should" you smiled up at Harry, who seemed unsure of this decision but he would follow you into oblivion.

"Okay, I trust yeh" he mumbled, kissing your lips and then Arella's head.


Only a week later, you and Harry were packing the last of your things up to leave for Auradon, Gil had been invited as well, already at the other end of the tunnel to wait for the limo with Dizzy; who had also been invited.

Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and picked Arella up off his bed, cradling her carefully in his arms and leading the way out of his room and onto the main deck, where the rest of the crew were waiting.

They all said their goodbyes, Desiree and Drey cooing at Arella and Harry let crew say their personal goodbyes to her. Bonnie squeezing you tightly as you patted her head "stay safe you two" Jonas mumbled, patting Harry's shoulder as he took Arella from him "and take care of the pirate princess" you and Harry nodded, the crew waving goodbye as you walked off the docks through the tunnel.

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