Dont fuck with isle kids/old friends

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(Jeff the killer is actually Harry Hook fic)

Inspired by Stay – A Jeff the killer x reader fic made back in 2013 on DeviantArt

Same shtick, isle kids were adopted off the isle, Harry at 13 and you soon after that also at 13, Harry is renamed Jeffery Woods (no memory spell this time) and turns into Jeff the killer a few months later and all information on 'Harry Hook' goes dark, and everyone's worried he might've died. But you find him, it's three years later but-you find him.

And damn has he changed. Not that much mentally, mans has never been mentally stable-but-physically, damn he's changed.


"Come on (y/n)!!! it'll be fiiine~ its just-an abandoned asylum that's rumored to..uh well...have somebody sneaking in and out of it that might be dangerous~?" Sam said in a singsong voice, rocking on her heels as you and Diana stared at her, both unamused by her antics.

"I am not," Diana said sternly, pointing at Sam with the most 'fuck you' she could muster in a hand gesture "going in a dingy, abandoned, hundred-year-old, serial killer having; asylum! That's just-stupid! If we don't get killed by-a killer! We'll get ourselves killed by you, or the fucking caving-in basement! This place is condemned for a reason!" Diana pointed behind Sam at the building that had a condemned sign on the front doors, but the stubborn Sam would not be budged, she had a whole plan to catch the rumored killer within the asylum and she would have you and Diana help her.

"Oh come on, please! It's only rumored that there's someone in there, and if the cameras catch nothing, we know the town is safe~" Sam said, being very optimistic to hopefully pressure Diana into the building, then you spoke up "But what if we do get something? What if there is a killer on the loose in our town?" you really didn't know why you were friends with Sam, her type of chaos was just a bit too...stupid, for your tastes.

Sam pressed her lips together, glancing back at the asylum, then shaking her head "If we do, we report it, simple as that, now c'mon! the longer we wait, the longer it'll take and it'll be night by the time we leave!" Diana did not look happy at the idea of being out past sunset so she booked it after Sam who was walking into the asylum. You groaned, rubbing your head "why am I friends with her?" you asked yourself, snapping your head up to the 3rd floor window when you felt eyes on you.

You titled your head slightly as a shadow quickly disappeared from the edge, the sun just barely catching onto a white fabric that was peeking out from the window edge "huh" you muttered, looking back down at the asylum entrance as Sam called out to you "coming!" you looked back up at the window, but the white fabric was gone. "alright then" you muttered, hurrying into the asylum and easily catching up with the girls; Sam handing you a handful of small wireless cameras.

"here," she said, handing you a walkie-talkie, which was a part of the set you kept at home "Are these mine?" you asked as you watched Sam hand Diana a second one. Sam nodded, turning hers on and clipping it to her shirt collar "Yeah, I didn't have any and yours are really high-tech so-" she shrugged, turning on her flashlight and pointing around "(y/n), you take the upper levels, Sam you take this floor, and I'll take the basement!"

You just blinked at Sam, grabbing your flashlight from your pocket and pointing it right at her after turning it on. She hissed like a vampire being burned and held up her hands, pouting at you as you rose your brow, unamused "And I get multiple floors why?" Sam nervously chuckled, backing up as you slowly walked towards her. "Well, you-you're the fastest out of all of us-and-and if anything broken up there's like a floor, you'll be able to get around it or-or over it~!" she turned, pointing at Diana who was glaring at her "I mean, we both know neither I or Diana know how to do any parkour stuff so...yeah~!"

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