save me - daughter of EQ part 2

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"is that-" Evie muttered, squinting as she spied on Umas crew, it was the night before the trade for Ben.

And....and was that her sister!?!

She would know that laughter anywhere, she had missed for 6 and a half years now. Her shining (h/c) and blue hair hidden under a tricorn hat.

"Evie you good?" Evie couldn't speak, breath catching in her throat as she spotted the heart encrusted bracelet on the girl's wrist, the same one (y/n) wore the day she was shipped off to the isle of the doomed.

"that's my sister" she let out a light sob, falling back onto her heels and covering her mouth.

"What!" Mal looked back, raising her brows as she spotted the dark blue edges of the girl's hair "are you sure?"

"yes" Evie let out a shuddered sigh, the echos of her sisters pleads for help still in her head, from all those years ago.

"why is she with shrimpys crew then?"

Evie shrugged, she didn't care, her sister was safe and alive.


"How did I never know this information?!!" you screened, spitting out your drink, staring perplexed at Uma.

She looked at you surprised "no one told you?"

"no!" you yelled, "no one told me my sister went to Auradon 6 months ago, I thought she was still up at the castle holed up with my mother, and THAT'S why I never saw her, sheesh!" you sighed, taking another swig of your flat soda.

"sorry" Uma sighed, shaking her head as she leaned over her plans once more. "what do you want us to do about it? She's apart of the group that's gonna trade the wand for the beasty boy"

"i-I don't know!" you whined, starting to pace around "let-let me talk to her? Alone? At least say hi and goodbye properly!" Uma sighed and nodded.

"Alright, but you gotta tell that to the crew, who knows who'll get to her first" you stopped, smiling at Uma.

"thank you"

"no prob"


You dodged the crew as the raced down the gangplank, keeping your eye on the bright blue figure moving up the deck.

"she's mine!" you yelled, the two male members looked from Evie to you, nodding and continuing to the other members of Mals crew. Evie spun around at that, gasping as she made eye contact with you.

She leaped over a barrel and made her way towards Carlos who was starting to engage with Desiree and Jonas.

You flicked your wrist, sliding a throwing knife out of its place and throwing it at evie, the blade landing just an inch in front of her nose.

She gasped and whirled around, her brown eyes locking with your (e/c) ones. "(y/n)?" she whispered, you gave her a small smile and nodded, lowering your sword a bit and jutting your head to a corner that was mostly hidden.

She slowly nodded and kept an eye on you as she walked to the corner.

You sheathed your sword and walked in after her, just as she was about to talk you jumped at her and pulled her into your arms.

"you're alive" you whispered, burying your head in her shoulder.

"are you kidding me? YOU'RE alive" Evie sobbed, wrapping her arms around your torso and burying herself into you further "how did you get off-"

"Uma-well Harry actually, he found me and got me off the isle" you sighed, rubbing your cheek into her shoulder "if it wasn't for him I would still be on the isle of the doomed"

"Tell him thanks for me" Evie laughed, pulling away and wiping her cheeks.

"I will" you chuckled, wiping away your own tears. You jumped as you heard uma scream in frustration, peeking out you saw Mal near the tunnel, screaming out for Evie as she battled Uma.

"you need to go!" you muttered, grabbing Evie's collar and pushing her out, drawing your sword and starting to force her back to Mal.

"ill get you off, ill get you all off" she whispered to you, you grinned back and nodded.

"ill hold you too that" you slashed at her, forcing her to turn and run towards Mal, yelling at Carlos for a smoke bomb.

"(y/n)!" an arm wrapped around your waist, picking you up and tossing you behind them. Harry covered you with his jacket as the smoke surrounded you. "are yeh alright?" he whispered, face only inches away from yours.

"i'm fine, thank you Harry" you muttered back, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"wha' did you and blueberry talk 'bout?" he asked, slicking his wet hair back. You smiled and patted his arm.


"things" Harry repeated, snorting and shaking his head "alright keep yer secrets"

"you'll find out soon enough" you sighed, watching Uma run around the back to get to the other end of the tunnel.


Evie let out a sob, watching as you ran from Harry's side to her, she cried your name out, opening her arms and running towards you.

"(y/n)!" she laughed, screaming as you crashed into her and lifted her up, spinning her around.

"Evie!" you screamed back, letting her go and jumping around with her, letting her grab your arm and run back with you to the Auradon gates.

"Harry come on!" Harry smiled and shook his head, following you and Evie into Auradon.

"wait are you and Harry?" you grinned and nodded, Evie squealed and running towards Harry, grabbing his hand and dragging him back towards you, and intertwining your arms "welcome to Auradon you two."

"Thank yeh Evie" Harry chuckled, softly smiling at you and Evie as you giggled and talked to each other.

His princess was reunited with her sister after 7 years, and they were both off the isle, away from their parents.

He looked around, eyes sparkling as he gazed upon the never-ending ocean.

Maybe being good wasn't so bad.

–end! Sorry, it's not much! Just felt like I had to get a part 2 out since the original requester did want one XP–

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