A Toxic Promise- Harry Hook x reader

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A Toxic Promise- Harry Hook x reader

Hey! So I have an idea for a Harry Hook x reader, could you base it off the song everytime by Ariana Grande? It's basically about them being in a toxic relationship and they know it's toxic but they always go back to each other no matter what beca...

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Hey! So I have an idea for a Harry Hook x reader, could you base it off the song everytime by Ariana Grande? It's basically about them being in a toxic relationship and they know it's toxic but they always go back to each other no matter what because, when it's good it's really good, but when it's bad, it's evil. Hope you like it! 💘

request from one of my tumblr friends  hope you like it!!!!

ps. i used a different ariana song


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

(a/n: choose your own villain parent, and also I didn't expect for this to be as long as it is.... I got carried away :p also not a lot of dialogue in the beginning)

I cried enough tears to see my own reflection in them

And then it was clear

I can't deny, I really miss him

To think that I was wrong

I guess you don't know what you got 'til it's gone

Pain is just a consequence of love

I'm saying sorry for the sake of us

(y/n) sat in her dorm on Auradon, singing to herself, looking out at the Isle, tears blurring her vision, thinking about the boy she had left behind, but she had to, it was just getting too much for her...for him..for them.

He wasn't my everything 'til we were nothing

And it's taking me a lot to say

Now that he's gone, my heart is missing something

So it's time I push my pride away

'Cause you are, you are

You are my everything

You are, you are

You are my everything

It was toxic, what they had, a pirate who strived to be like his father, and a girl who wanted to be more than her mother, to be better, and your different mindsets set off many fights, and many separations, but you both always, always came back to each other, and you both knew it wasn't good for you, for both of you, but when it was good, it was heavenly, but when it was bad, it was hell. But neither of you could truly break it, So you had to make a decision...when you got the letter, the one to go to auradon, you took it.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now