Not so abandoned manor

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inspired by the invitation~!! also less of an x reader and more of a "has reader character in it and Harry clearly has a bond with them" lol


This was stupid, this was so fucking stupid; why was he doing this?!

Chad had dared him, that's why. Stupid fucking prince Chad Charming. Harry swallowed harshly, spinning on his heel as he trekked through the dark forest that surrounded him; autumn leaves crunching beneath his feet as shadows danced behind his back-the moon being his only other light.

Harry let out a shaky breath as he broke through the forest line-coming upon the abandoned manor that sat deep within the Whitby forest. There had been rumors of a monster within its walls; with gleaming red eyes and fangs of a beast. Back on the isle, he would've been one of the first to storm the abandoned white and black stone walls-but in Auradon; he wasn't as keen.

Considering in Auradon, death was much more...permanent.

Harry must've stood at that forest line for a solid hour, staring hard at the foliage and dust-covered manor, not a light to be seen from the window, nor a life wandering the grounds. It had been abandoned for years, built in the 1800s, and collecting dust since the 1980s.

"New Carfax abbey" Harry muttered to himself as he read the faded sign that sat on the pathway toward the manor. He took a deep breath, clutching his hook in his left hand with the flashlight held strong in his right; his phone sitting fully charged in his pocket-ready to text Uma and or Mal to get him out of there-just In case.

They had all grown up in a place where monsters reigned supreme, so the rumors here-could hold all too much truth for kids like them. Harry slowly walked up the gravel pathway, furrowing his brows as he got closer to the manor, seeing what looked to be scorch marks upon the white stone, buried underneath vines and natural decay.

"oookay" he muttered, taking one final glance around him, his hook still tight in his hand; before he made his way to the grand front doors, pushing them open with his shoulder with great difficulty. One was nearly off its hinges and the other had clearly gone too long without some oil.

He jumped at the sound of snapping twigs and crunching leaves behind him, he whirled around, pointing the flashlight in the general direction he had heard the noise come from.

He saw nothing, nothing but the shadow of trees, and a fox. The fox spotted him and froze, but it almost looked like it wasn't looking at him, but over his shoulder. He learned a long time ago, that animals didn't just-look at random things. Harry whirled around again, seeing nothing within the void that was the main hall. Harry took a deep breath, carefully stepping further into the manor, his flashlight scanning back and forth until the feeling of being watched faded away.

"fuck this, fuck this, fuhuhuhuck this~" Harry sang to the tune of that one Mozart song to relax his nerves, which were going through the roof. "this is stupid, this is so fucking stupid-I'm going to fucking kill Chad" Harry continued to try to calm himself down as he walked further into the main hall, his eyes catching onto a cobweb-infested statue that depicted a dragon overtaking a knight-a stone spear pointing directly at him "not creepy at all" Harry grumbled, seeing the long-rested ash resting upon the curves of the statue.

And well-everything else. It almost looked as if the place was set ablaze, and then was-magically put back together-because the only burn damage was ash and the scorch marks from outside. Harry turned, pointing his flashlight into a dark corner of the room, furrowing his brows at the stone hallway; it looked old-very old. He leaned to the side, licking his lips; as the feeling of being watched suddenly returned.

"nope," he muttered, turning away and jogging up the stairs, nearly breaking into a sprint as it felt like something followed him from that stone hallway. He quickly turned, holding his hook defensively as he pressed his back against the wall; pointing the flashlight every which way. "is-is anyone there?" Harry called out, nothing answered, but he heard the flutter of feathered wings as his voice spooked a bird.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now