two part - commission - hidden p2

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The Reader lives on the Isle of the lost. She is very beautiful. She's not the daughter of a big villain. So she has no protection from her parents name. In order to protect herself, she dresses up as a boy. She knows Uma from her past and get along quite well with her. Uma needs her help and she stays with the pirate crew for a while. In doing so, she gets to know Harry. They fall in love with each other. However, Harry has problems with this because he thinks she is a boy. He learns the truth and is angry with her. But she can explain it to him and they come together.

2 parter commission.

I know we all headcanon harry as pan, so "realistically" he wouldn't care that reader is a boy, but in the case of the commission, I made him a straight boi

commission from ​ musicarose on tumblr


For the next month while you healed from the attack, you didn't see Harry at all. And it broke your heart. Uma forced you to stay within the ship boundaries, having Bonny or Gil help you walk around.

The crew had also found out about your secret, and they accepted you without a complaint, or they just didn't care.

You sighed, sitting up from your bed, your now shoulder-length hair brushing your back. Yes, your short, ear length, choppy ass hair, was now shoulder length, you didn't know how to explain it.

You winced slightly as you stood from your bed, you were mostly healed now, a long dark pink scar leading up your back.

You carefully stretched, shoving on some socks and shoving boots on, grabbing your beanie and shoving your hair under it. A knock sounded at your door, you yelled for them to come in, attempting to shrug on your jacket.

Gil stepped through the now open door, smiling at you "hey (m/n), you ready for today?" you smiled and nodded not bothering to correct Gil to say your real name.

"Yeah, let's go" Gil reached over and tugged your jacket over your shoulders, standing close to you as you walked out in case you needed to grab onto him for balance.

You blinked as you locked eyes with coal lined ocean blue, Harry's eyes narrowed at Gil, turning and making his way off the ship, his cloak flaring behind him.

You sighed "that was the first time hes even looked at me in the past month" you muttered, Gil looking down at you in concern.

"Really?" he asked, looking back to the receding back of harry "but...never mind" you looked at Gil, a small glare on your face.

"you know something, spill" Gil shook his head, gently pushing at your shoulder to lead you to the chip shop.

"Im sorry (m/n), that's something harry needs to talk to you about" you yelled in frustration.

"but he won't even look at me?! How is he gonna talk to me about whatever if he won't even acknowledge me!?" Gil shrugged.

"I don't know" he murmured, opening the doors to the restaurant and leading you to a random chair behind the table.

Uma came around the corner, tossing a tray in front of you and Gil. "has harry tried to talk to you yet" she asked you, you looked at her with furrowed brows.

"he looked at me for the first time in the month only 10 minutes ago, why would he be trying to talk to me?" you huffed, stuffing some fries in your mouth.

"just" Uma sighed "ya know what, that's it, DESIREE, COVER ME!" Uma untied the apron from around her waist, tossing it at the Chinese girl.

She caught it and nodded, standing from her seat and tying the apron around her waist.

Uma stomped out of the chip shop, muttering about stupid boys and their feelings. You looked around at the crew, they also looked as confused as you. Bonny shrugged at you, going back to her food.

A good fifteen minutes later, uma stomped back in, dragging in harry by the ear, ranting to him.

"ow. Um-cap-Um OW! OwowowOW!" he cried repeatedly, gripping onto the arm that held his ears. Uma pointed to Gil and motioned to you, Gil nodded, gently picking you up and walking over to Uma, who dragged harry back out of the chip shop and to the ship with Gil following after her.

"UMA WHA' THE HE- OW!" harry screeched, batting at her arm. You blinked looking between Gil and the two pirates.

'okay, the fuck' you thought, sighing and readjusting yourself in Gil's arms. Uma kicked open the captain's quarters, tossing harry in and letting gil set you down on your feet.

"now you harry, talk this out! Not even a month ago I couldn't get you two alone and now you won't even look at her! Now if I hear another peep of you ignoring her!" Uma shook her hands in frustration and yelled, walking back out of the room.


Gil nodded, catching a key from Uma and closing the door after he exited, waving to the two of you.

"good luck (y/n)!" he called, locking the door with a click.

You stood there awkwardly, watching as Harry stared at you nervously, his feet shuffling and tapping his fingers on his thighs.

You pressed your lips together, crossing your arms on your chest and looking around the room.

"why didn't yeh tell me yeh are a girl?" Harry blurted out, his face pale and his hand all of a sudden covering his mouth.

You looked back at him, raising your brow "because I didn't know who to trust and even after I knew I could trust you I kept forgetting to tell you." Harry slowly nodded, uncovering his mouth.

"why did yeh disguise as a boy?" he asked, his pretty ocean blue eyes staring into your (e/c) ones.

"well, Im not the kid of a big villain like Uma,or Evie, or...Mal. I don't have that protection they have, if those kinda people that live here on the isle...I wouldn't be here right now" you finished with a low voice, reaching up to take off your beanie, letting your (h/c) hair tumble down and brush against your shoulders.

You hear Harry's breath hitch, but you ignore him. "I didn't know me faking being a bot would bother you so much...i'm sorry" you muttered, beginning to turn to Harry and sighing.

"if you don't want me in your life anymore, we can go back to the way we were before uma forced us in here, I won't bother you and you igno-mff!" you were stopped by a soft pair of lips.

Harry's face was close, his eyes closed tightly and his lips pressed against yours, hands grasping onto your arms pulling you into him.

You groaned slightly, pushing into harry and reaching up to grab his jacket, pulling him into you further.

A few moments of lips pushing and pulling against each other, you pulled apart, heavy blushes on your faces, only inches apart.

"I love yeh" harry whispered, you jerked back slightly, grip tightening on his jacket "I-I was jus' scared, me-me da' isn't very approvin' of male-male relationships, and I had only really been interested in girls and i-" you stopped him, pressing your lips to his once more.

You pulled away quickly, smiling as Harry's eyes fluttered "I love you too" you giggled, hands drifting up to his neck, thumb brushing his cheek.

"r-really?" Harry laughed, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you close once more. "yeh do"

"yeah" you hummed "I've like-liked you since about two months after we met and I fell for you after you saved me from the Gaston twins"

Harry furrowed his brows "but tha' was three years ago?" you shrugged.

"so?" Harry laughed and shook his head, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"well, jus' so yeh know, I will protect yeh from now on, yeh don't have to be afraid to show yerself anymore"

You laughed, pecking his jaw, cuddling into his neck. "I know...I know"

--the end!--

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now