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inspired by this VVVV

You muttered random curse words to yourself as you ransacked your closet, looking for you scarcely packed medkit that was very much needed by the bloody and hurt Harry Hook

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You muttered random curse words to yourself as you ransacked your closet, looking for you scarcely packed medkit that was very much needed by the bloody and hurt Harry Hook.

You finally grasped the midsized white and red plastic box and tugged it free from its slot between your duffle bag and an old jacket. You sighed and spun around, kicking the closet door closed with your foot as you narrowed your eyes at the pitiful pirate teen that sat on your bed.

From here you could see the slice across his chest easier as the ripped bloody shirt that had once covered it was tossed on the floor. Your eyes drifted around his bruised body, brows twitching as you locked onto the dark blackish-purple knuckles that he was gently brushing his thumb against.

"you are such an idiot" you grumbled, slamming the medical box next to his thigh and lifting his left ankle into your lap, and quickly undoing his boot to get to the laceration on his leg "I can't even-what were you thinking?!" Harry winced as you poured the disinfectant over the deep cut, the chemical bubbling as it hit the blood. You set down the bottle and grabbed a clean cloth, standing to walk over to your sink to soak it in the preset hot water.

"That was probably, the most reckless thing I have ever seen you do, you fucking LEAPED into the fucking gang to do... whatever the fuck it was about, and look what happened! You got yourself beat the fuck up!" while your words were harsh and biting, your hands ever so gently worked and fixed up his wounds, doing your best to not aggravate the cut as you stitched the skin back together.

"This is the third fucking time I've had to patch you up after you do something stupid and im about this close" you held your pointer finger and thumb close together, maybe only a sliver between them "to just letting you bleed out if only to teach you to stop doing this dumb shit"

You finished wrapping his leg and moved onto his chest, where the largest cut was, the most you could do for it was clean and bandage it but it would have to do. As you pressed a cloth soaked in disinfectant to his chest, continuing to rant about his recklessness, you looked up, words catching in your throat.

Harry's bright blue eyes stared right into yours, his eyes soft and yearning. As you stared back a small smile grew on his plush lips, one of his bruised hands drifted up and cupped your cheek.

He leaned in close, lips only inches away from yours "yer beautiful when yeh worry 'bout me love~" he purred, you sputtered and felt your face heat up the longer he stared right at you, the look in his eyes never leaving.

"i-you......can I finish patching you up before you start trying to snog me?" you muttered, pressing your lips together and looking away from his longing eyes. Harry let out a slow chuckle and leaned away from you, drawing his warm calloused hands away from your face and setting them behind him, leaning back as you sat up on your knees again and went right back to work on his chest.

It was silent the rest of the time, and as you finally finished wrapping Harry's knuckles, you sat back and packed the leftover supplies back into the box. You jumped slightly as Harry slyly kicked it away and dropped to the floor next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.

"Har-your-idiot" you grumbled, taking care to avoid the wrapped slice on his chest and resting your head in the crook of his neck.

"I jumped inta' the gang cuz they were talkin' shit bout yeh love" he muttered, fingers tracing shapes into your back as he took a deep breath, your body rising with his chest "I couldn't let 'em get away with it"

"and what did you walk away with it from? A busted lip and hands" you muttered, tracing the old scar on his shoulder, the old deep cut long since healed. "next time, just ignore them, I don't care what they say"

"I do" he grumbled, pressing a kiss to your neck "ill hook anyone who mouths off ta yeh"

You snorted, letting your hand fall between the crevice of your chest and his arm "well next time Uma yells at you for getting yourself hurt, don't bring me into it, I like being on her good side"

Harry let out a soft laugh and tightened his grip on you "alrighty then love" the two teens sat in comfortable silence as they just listened to the others breathing and felt the warmth of the other's body seep into their skin.


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now