Sweet Summer -MER!Harry - Request

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i opened requests on my tumblr for like half an hour and this was the only one to get in before the half hour was up XD so-if yall are interested-requests are open for a little bit, for Harry Hook, Walter Deville, and Jeff the killer :3 


Your fingers danced across the water, the lagoon's steady surface disturbed by the movement, the tension breaking as you hummed a small tune. Your eyes were closed, the afternoon sun comfortable as it warmed the stone that created the cliffs surrounding the lagoon.

A deeper voice joined yours, and a smile broke out across your face as something broke the surface of the water and swam towards you, gentle hands curling around yours that hovered above the surface. A shadow blocked the sun and you cracked open your eyes, chuckling to see your handsome mermaid boyfriend-Harry, his bright blue scales shimmering in the sun.

"ye should sing more often love," Harry whispered, his arms on either side of your body, smirking down at you. You just rolled your eyes fondly, closing them as Harry leaned down to kiss you, your hand finding his cheek and spreading your fingers to find his jaw-his scales smooth against your skin.

His left hand drew from the stone below you to grasp your waist, his other arm going under your neck-smirking as you gasped when he pulled you into the water, laying you against his chest as he floated away from the cliff, chuckling as you shook your head at him-glad you had kept your swimsuit on.

"Cheeky," you muttered, kissing him again, smiling against his lips as a small rumble came from his chest and throat. "I love it when you purr," you teased as you pulled away, still a breath away from his lips. Harry huffed, his scales blending into the blush on his cheeks.

"I'll make ye purr-that sounded weird," Harry shot back and then laughed, shaking his head and letting it rest in the water, his arms around your waist as you lay on him-his tail gently pushing in the water-keeping the two of you gently floating through the lagoon. You shook your head, resting it on Harry's chest and sighing, gently tracing the edge of his scales on his chest, humming that tune again.

What a wonderful way to spend the summer.


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now