Protective v2 - Rewritten

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rewrite of one of my first oneshots! Protective (in this book it should be near the beginning of the "parts")! which was a request back when i was taking them! i just wanted to update the writing and plot a bit lol. i dont remember who originally requested it, i think it was an anon request otherwise i would @/ them!


You stared down at the plus sign on the little pink stick in your hands, you had taken the test three sperate times, only for it to be positive each time.

You were pregnant.

With Harry Hooks baby.

How did you know to check if you were? It had been three months since your last period, and you had not been feeling the best for the last two.

Throwing up each day, motion sickness, and then unable to eat at times, then get the oddest cravings only minutes later.

Uma told you there was only one option.

And there it was, staring right back at you, pregnancy.

How were you going to tell Harry...

How were you going to tell Mal?

She hated Uma and Harry, there's no way in hell she would approve of you and harry together, that's the whole reason you never told her about your meetups in the seven months you had been seeing harry.

You were glad that Mal never got the inkling to walk over to Uma's territory and see you and Harry together.

Evie might be happy for you but with one word from Mal she would turn, and you didn't want to lose any of them, but you didn't want to lose Harry and Uma either.

Harry had saved you at a dark time in your life, and Uma had taken you in even though you were apart of Mal's crew, the two-no them and their crew had become a second family to you.

If Mal refused you simply because you had been flirting with the "enemy" you would gladly throw down her flag to raise Uma's.

But you still at least wanted to tell your friends about your accidental pregnancy before they left for Auradon, which was within the hour.


"hey guys?" the four vks stopped, looking over at you and raising their brow "I need to talk to you before you leave"

"Okay, shoot" Mal hummed, tossing her sketchbook in her backpack and leaning against the wall. Claros and Evie stopping in their little card game and giving you their full attention, Jay sighing and nodding to you.

"um-im pre-"
"MAL!" Mal jumped at her mother's shrill voice echoing through the room, leaning over to look at her mother looking into the room "get your butt over here, the limo is here!"
"you said it wouldn't be here till 11!" Mal yelled back, Maleficent just pointed over at the wall clock, the five of you hurrying to look.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now