2 part commission work - the masked princess - p2

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You sat sluggishly at your desk, the weekend had been harsh, your sister barging into your room constantly to rant about...well about you, but she didn't know that.

And now apparently, Harry Hook was on the look for the masked girl who had run off before the reveal. And it hurt to hear your sister spit insults about you.

You thought Audrey had gotten better, but she still had work to do.

You stiffened as harry sat next to you, doing your best to not look at him, in fear of blushing heavily or blurting out the truth.

you wished you could tell him, but you were scared he wouldn't like the girl under the mask and avoid you like everyone else did.

"good morning class! Today, we are going to start on a team project!" the class, including you groaned. "now, now it's a simple research paper, im sure you can handle that, now I will be assigning you groups because SOME of you- " the teacher eyed the students, who shrunk in their seats "like to exclude others so!"

The teacher took out the attendance sheet and went down the list, marking off as she grouped teams of two and three.

You looked to harry in the corner of your eye, he was just doodling on the edge of his paper. and as you looked closer, you saw your mask from the ball, on top of your hidden face.

'hes drawing...me?' you thought, feeling heat creep up your cheeks.

"mister hook and miss (whatever last name), you two will be partners" you jumped, yelping out as you hit your knee on the desk.

The class turned to you, laughter in their eyes, you blushed and looked away. You didn't see harry glare back and knock his fist harshly against his desk, the class flinched and turned back to the front.

You zoned out the rest of the class, your foot tapping on the ground constantly.

Someone poked your shoulder, making you squeak and turn to them. "uh-uh hi?" Harry chuckled and gave you a soft smile and an eyebrow raise.

"hi luve, im harry, Harry Hook, and yeh are?" he held out his hand, you gently grasped it, mind flashing back to when he kissed the back of your hand.

You shook hands, a blush clear on your face "im-im (y/n)" harry nodded, releasing your hand and leaning back in his chair.

"I've seen yeh before, but I don't know where?" you sighed, shoulders slagging down.

"im-im audreys little sister" harry nodded slowly, then shook his head.

"no I think I've seen yeh somewhere else..." you froze, hands clenched in your lap. He snapped his fingers and pointed at you "oh, at the engagement party!" you breathed a sigh of relief, then paused.

"wait, I was only there for like- five minutes, and then I left?" Harry shrugged.

"im good at remembering faces" he laughed, it was odd, just like the night of the ball, you had become easily comfortable with him.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now