Harry still can't swim- drabble p2

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*another small Oneshot between rewrite parts*

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*another small Oneshot between rewrite parts*

*continuation of my "harry cant swim" drabble*

*takes place in d3 but canon divergent, Audrey takes a more direct approach on certain vks*


Audrey glared down at the image on her scepter, Ben, Jay, Carlos, and the two new pirate boys were walking back towards Evie's mini castle.

She waved her hand over the scepter, grinning at what she saw, and she muttered a small spell.

This would even the playing field a bit~


Harry sighed, rolling and crackling his neck "how long till we get there" he groaned, pouting as Jay turned and shushed him "I don't wanna shush-AH!" Harry screamed, feeling vines wrap around him and pull him towards the nearby lake.

Jay and Gil screamed his Name, running after him. Harry fumbled with his hook, hacking at the black thick vines.






With a final tug, he was submerged into the water, the vines dragging him even deeper into the lake. 'no, help!' Harry mentally cried out, his chest already burning from the lack of air.

"hel-gghhghg" he cried out, the last of his breath leaving his lungs, bubbles rising to the surface. He saw the shadows of the rest of the boys around the edge of the lake, the surface shrouded in a pink mist.

He was going to die.

Harry felt the vines wrap around his throat, leading him further into the darkness. He tried to shake free, his limbs becoming lead as he struggled.

His head lobbed, eyes closing.

At least he got to see the real ocean.

He stopped struggling, hearing a cold cackle in his ear.

"goodnight little pirate~"



Water pushed around him, the feeling of scales brushed against his fingertips.

Hands curled around his jaw, another set of lips pressing into his.


His eyes snapped open, staring into the golden flecked eyes of a girl.

...the one who saved him on the isle.

She leaned back in, giving him another kiss of life.

He felt his lungs fill with air again.

She took her hands off his face, swimming down and grabbing his hook, rocketing back up and slashing at the vines, the thick black foliage cracking away and dying.

Harry heard the echo of a furious scream. The girl looked up, pouting as she looked at the surface.

The pink mist still there, she looked around, nodding at the little cave she had entered from "im going through there, you'll feel your ears pop!"

Even though they were underwater Harry could understand her perfectly, he nodded, wrapping his arms around her as she swam closer to the underwater cave.

He looked around her, gasping as he saw a long beautiful reflective tail moving through the water, her fin looked like loose shiny fabric moving through a rainbow.

He noticed he could breathe, as bubbles still escaped through his mouth, air was going back in.

He touched his neck, feeling no gills.

"wha-" Harry muttered, his voice muffled around him.
he remembered the old tales of mermaids.

A kiss from one can save the drowning sailor.

Suddenly he and the mermaid started rushing up, breaching through the surface of the underground cave lake.

Harry coughed out the water he had swallowed. Looking around at the cave he whistled, multicolored gems and pillars decorated the ceiling and walls, the ground smooth and marble-like. "uh" he started, looking to the mermaid, who was staring right back "thank yeh" he smiled, his voice raspy.

"that's the second time I've had to save your ass from drowning" she chuckled, leading him to the edge of the pool and helping him out. "im just going to teach you how to swim, I can't always be there to save you."

"sounds fun.....thank yeh....again" he shook his head, he had never said those words so many times in such a short time. "yeh really saved meh life."
"your welcome" the mermaid smiled, heaving herself out fo the water and sitting next to him, pulling her tail out and setting it on the ground. "the boys are probably worried sick about you, just give me a second to undo the tail"

"no problem" Harry sighed, leaning back on his hands and closing his eyes "I need a small break after that nightmare"

It was another minute before the tail disappeared, during that time the mermaid and Harry talked, Harry finally learning the name of his twice now savior.

"im (y/n), daughter of Aquata and granddaughter of king Triton" she held out her hand, waiting for Harry to shake it "and I know you as Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook?" Harry nodded, shaking her hand.

"aye that would be me" Harry confirmed, watching (y/n)s tail turn to legs, her mermaid "outfit" shimmering into regular clothes, a simple blue tank top and ripped black jeans with some converse. "I guess we should go?"

"Yeah, we've been keeping the boys waiting long enough, come on, i'll lead us out." She held out her hand for harry, the pirate grabbing it and hefting himself up to stand, following the mermaid girl out of the caves.


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