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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 9: President Jiang

Jing Xuan asked the female staff to arrange the artist and his agent to wait in another conference room. After the female staff left, both of them hurriedly cleaned up their appearance.

Jiang Shining is okay. Jing Xuan's original handsome hairstyle combed sideways has been messed up by her, and the custom-made high-end suits have some folds. Men don't wear combs, but fortunately Jiang Shining has everything in her bag.

Jing Xuan finished his suit, Jiang Shining asked him to sit down and comb his hair. Jing Xuan's nose is sour, it feels so good to have a mother!

Then, he heard his mother say, ❝Don't call me mother, concubine, mother, mother, etc. later, it will scare others, and if I am so young, you just need to call my name.

Unexpectedly, his mother refused to be his mother outside.

Having been in modern society for so many years, Jing Xuan, who had become an ancient core when she met her mother, was stunned when she said this, ❝But this, this, this...this is disrespectful!

Why are you more pedantic than Chu Hao? You have to learn to be flexible.❞ Jiang Shining comforted, ❝Besides, we have no blood relationship in our entire life. What do people think when you talk so nonsense?

Jing Xuan's focus immediately fell on a sensitive place.

How do you know? Have you met the Emperor Xian?

Jiang Shining suddenly wanted to laugh. This is a good name. Although Chu Hao was reborn again, but thinking of him this way, it seemed that he had fallen into the soil again.

She decided to use this name to **** him off when she met again in the future.

What's the hurry, I will tell you slowly later.❞ Jiang Shining said, ❝Go and call the current company's key employees and management, as well as all other artists in the company, and let them all go to that conference room.

no problem.

Jing Xuan was extremely happy with Jiang Shining's command. In the last life, she and Jing Yuan treated him as children and didn't look for him for anything. In this life, Jing Yuan didn't know which corner he was still fainting, Jing Xuanle didn't have much to show his ability to prove himself and earn some face in front of his mother.

As a result, Gu Haotian, the artist who is currently the hottest in the entire Ninglu Media and was poached by Longteng’s “dad”, originally sat triumphantly in the conference room with his new agent, waiting for Vice President Wang to appear. The vice president did not come first, but Wuyang Wuyang came with a group of people, and there were everyone.

Some people, Gu Haotian, knew him well, they were trainees in the company. He also saw his old agent and several other agents, almost all staring at him. But who are the people behind...? The people from the event planning department are here, the advertising and marketing, the company's online operations, even the programmers and the front desk lady at the door? ? ?

What does this mean?❞ Gu Haotian's new agent had never seen this posture. He lifted his glasses and squatted and said, ❝Is your company going to gang fights because of a small contract issue? Can't beat people?

It's not impossible.❞ One of the agents said coldly.

Gu Haotian is an artist who has supported the company in the past few years. Even if the company is about to die, the title is here. It can be said that he has searched all the resources that the company can collect and sent Gu Haotian to the position. Jing Xuan is actually in some aspects. Take money to post the company. Now that Gu Haotian has finally taken the fire, he has become enthusiastic, and he can finally take the company with him. As a result, he actually quit after eating up? ? Although people go to high places, they can understand the truth, but the human feelings are difficult to tolerate.

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