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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 25:

This hot pot meal was eaten by mothers, kindness and filial piety, but it was undoubtedly a huge torture for Lin Qingqing.

Obviously, even though they had all reincarnated, their status was finally equal, but Lin Qingqing's fear of Jing Yuan could not be immediately erased.

Then I thought about it, her biggest backer was Jiang Shining. What's so scary about her? Lin Qingqing calmed down and acted a little natural to pick up the meat in the hot pot, praying in her heart that the three ancestors would quickly forget her existence.

The more you are afraid of what will come.

"Qing Qing." Lin Qingqing heard Jiang Shi Ning call to herself. There was a bad premonition in her heart. Sure enough, Jiang Shining said, "I died early in my last life, and they took on the big responsibility at a young age... In your opinion, are their subsequent actions qualified?"

When Jiang Shining's voice fell, Jing Yuan and Jing Xuan put down their chopsticks and looked at Lin Qingqing, obviously waiting for her comment. Being watched by the two, Lin Qingqing was almost down.

"Okay... okay! Excellent! Both of them are dragons and phoenixes, and they are very dedicated to big and small things. With them two, the world is peaceful!" Lin Qingqing praised it with all his strength, and then hurryed. Say, "Come, come, eat quickly."

The atmosphere finally eased. During the meal, Jing Yuan did not speak much, but Jing Xuan gently guided the topic, and Jiang Shining was chatting, Lin Qingqing was finally less nervous than at the beginning.

After the five flavors of food, Jing Yuan picked up a bottle of wine and filled it up. He raised his wine glass and faced Lin Qingqing.

"Lin..." He hesitated slightly, as if he hadn't figured out how to call it.

"Just call my name!" Lin Qingqing said quickly. I'm afraid he will hand over something like "Auntie".

"Ms. Lin. Since the reincarnation, everything in the past will be in the past." Jing Yuan said, "I wish you a happy cooperation, and I would like to offer you a cup."

After that, he drank the wine in the glass.

Lin Qingqing was stunned. Was he afraid that her fear of him would affect the relationship between her and Jiang Shining?

This Jiu Jing was serious, but Lin Qingqing didn't know how to react.

"Jing Yuan, you are confused. Now in this world, you toast from time to time." Jing Xuan took the wine bottle and filled it with Jing Yuan, and then smiled, "You should say a toast."

"My fault." Jing Yuan hooked his mouth.

Four people toasted, it was the end of the meal.

Lin Qingqing left a sentence of'See you at work' and quickly escaped. Jiang Shining looked at her background and couldn't help sighing.

She was originally because Lin Qingqing was the only trusted friend around her, thinking that people she knew would gather for a meal, and she would become her own family in the future. But I didn't expect to scare Lin Qingqing that way.

Jingyuan will not be brought to the next party.

Jiang Shining had just this thought in his head on this side, and on the other side, Jing Yuan, who had paid the bill with Jing Xuan, came to see her.

"Mom, don't tell me, you are thinking about not taking me with you next time."

"I didn't." Jiang Shining didn't change his face, "Also, don't call me that outside."

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