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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 86:

The second batch of trainees of Jingyuan Bodyguard Company graduated from training and officially took up their posts. They were very nervous about the first mission.

Because their first employer was Chen Tanliang, the CEO of Shengge Group.

Beneath the bodyguards’ stern expressions are crying hearts. Why does the instructor still need security? If he started, his strength alone would be enough for all of them.

They shivered, not because they were nervous about hiding their enemies, but because their employers were nervous.

"Focus." Chen Tanliang said coldly.

The bodyguards trembled and stood straighter.

——Obviously they are wearing sunglasses and there is no expression on their faces. Why does Chen Tanliang know that they are wandering?

The Yan Luo instructor is too terrifying, even if people put on suits and become the CEO of a wealthy enterprise, they are still as terrifying.

At this moment, Chen Tanliang is waiting to meet with foreign partners.

The biggest difference between Chen Sheng's group and Xiu Lingfei is that Shengge Group actually started from abroad, and Chen Sheng's real headquarters and base camp are all abroad. Therefore, Chen Tanliang had to contact foreign partners. After Chen Sheng took him a few times, some meetings directly let Chen Tanliang attend by himself.

In order to arrange noodles, Chen Tanliang brought these newcomers out to feel the atmosphere.

But it seems that these newcomers are more afraid of him than the new ones. Chen Tanliang felt that he should reflect on it. He didn't understand why they were so afraid of him.

So, Chen Tanliang sat on the sofa and looked at the four people who had been brought out.

"Are you afraid of me?" he asked.

The bodyguards stiffened. This is a proposition. Should they be afraid or not afraid?

Chen Tanliang naturally muttered to himself, "I didn't beat you and scold you. What are you afraid of me?"

The bodyguards said nothing in the bleak wind, and the silence was Cambridge tonight.

Can they not be afraid? Chen Tanliang trained people to be possessed by the devil, and they looked at him every day.

After a while, a bodyguard plucked up courage.

"Instructor, were you a soldier before?"

"I used to be a soldier." Chen Tanliang said.

Hey, hey, no wonder he is so fierce to train people.

Several bodyguards shed tears in their hearts. At this moment, Chen Tanliang received a call, and his expression suddenly became gentle.

"Hey, Ruozhi." He said in a gentle voice, "Well, good. I'll go back for dinner on time." After a pause, the phone side seemed to have changed, and Chen Tanliang lowered his eyelashes, "...Hey, mom. It's okay." , I can go back."

After hanging up the phone, he changed from a spring-like attitude to the familiar Yan Luochen instructor.

Chen Ruo will fly to Country G the next day, and Chen Tanliang and Jiang Shining are a little depressed with naked eyes these days.

Chen Tanliang is worried about her younger sister, Jiang Shining is reluctant to let her go. There were only a few girls in the family, and now they are leaving again... As long as you think about the lack of lovely, beautiful and reasonable Chen Ruozhi, Jiang Shining's heart hurts.

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