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The Spoiled Daily Life
of the Villain’s Mother
Chapter 24:

Jiang Shining and Jing Xuan both wanted to reminisce about their old days with Jing Yuan, but when Jing Yuan arrived at an untimely time, both of them had to go to work in the company.

So, Chu Jingyuan put his hands around his chest and leaned against the wall, watching the two wearing coats. Hesitating and stopping, his eyes are complicated.

"Go to work, I'll wait for you to go home." After a long pause, he could only say.

As soon as he said it, Jing Yuan felt like a left-behind child, waiting eagerly for his family to reunite. But who made him pick the morning? Jiang Shining and Jingxuan are not employees and can still ask for leave. Some work matters must be handled by them personally.

Jiang Shining put on her coat, she walked over and tapped Jing Yuan's forehead with her finger, and then went out to work.

Jing Xuan was also about to leave. When he looked back, he saw Jing Yuan staying there alone, with a feeling of depression. Jing Xuan couldn't help being a little funny—the Jing Yuan in his memory was always the center of the crowd. It was really unusual for such a person to be alone.

"Otherwise, you go to the company with me?" Jing Xuan suggested.


In the headquarters building of Xuanyuan Video Co., Ltd., employees filed in from the front door.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the hall. Everyone is whispering. Some employees who have just entered the company do not know what happened.

"What happened?"

"Look, it's Mr. Wang..."

However, for the employees, it is not unusual for Mr. Wang to appear, he is more like a beautiful landscape. Because their boss, Wang Muze, is low-key and unassuming, he often goes to work with employees and eats working meals in the cafeteria. He is diligent, so he can be seen almost every day.

However, having such a handsome and well-dressed president dangled in front of his eyes, which increased the enthusiasm of the female employees to go to work.

Normally, President Wang, who comes to work every day, will no longer cause a sensation, but today—their beautiful president is surrounded by one more person in the same industry.

The two walked side by side, and it was almost impossible to tell which was President Wang from the back. Because both of them have the same shoulder width, narrow waist and long legs. It's just that the one on the left is wearing a customized suit, and the one on the right has a long dark blue trench coat over the suit.

Some employees could not help but take a breath when they saw the front. They were another handsome guy just like Mr. Wang!

If their President Wang is personable, and when he smiles, he is as warm and warm as the autumn sun, then this extraordinary young man next to him has a more reserved and cold temperament, with black eyes. It is as dark as a deep pool without bottom, it is a temperament and aura that is completely different from that of President Wang.

The two walked together, it was so pleasing to the eye. It's like a fashion blockbuster.

When they came to the elevator, the employees waiting in front of the elevator door involuntarily stepped aside. Usually they are used to saying hello when they meet the boss, but today there is more Jing Yuan, but they dare not speak.

"Good morning." Jing Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and greeted his employees gently.

"Morning, good morning!" Then someone squatted to answer-most people were quietly looking at Jing Yuan.

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